I looked a little but didn't see a migraine thread - if I missed it, please let me know!!
So part of my lovely Fibro includes/or runs concurrently with, whatever, my TMJD. My jaw is just nice and crooked. And this next part might happen with or without the TMJD, but this is what I get: when I get stressed (good OR bad) and everything tenses up, that includes my jaw/neck/back/shoulders, etc., it can build up to a nice headache. If I'm SUPER lucky that day and don't catch it in time, it turns into a full blown migraine. Weeeeee! No end to the fun.
I know everyone reacts to different meds differently, I just wondered if any of you dealth with TMJD, too, or migraines, or both.
Re. the meds: I've tried different stuff on and off over the years, most recently was Midrin - which didn't really work. Max dosages and eventually it went away, but the migraines were lasting 2 to 3 days, so I'm doubting the med ever worked. The migraine just ended eventually. lol
So the new one, I've had before and didn't recall it working, but Doc wanted me to try it anyway: Imitrex.
I don't get it. Does this work for anyone?? I'm pretty sure I would have had more effect from chewing up a tic tac. I just wondered if anyone else has EVER found this to be effective?
Now I guess I have to run the gambit of trying different ones to see what works. Frustrating and long process, since I don't thankfully get migraines everyday. Although for a while there, it was a lot more frequent. (Before I knew about the TMJD - makes more sense now.)
p.s. I hope this all comes out coherent enough for conversation. Honestly, I had zero sleep last night, meds today, I'm tired, and I'm hungry. And of course, in pain.
Be well - Jen