TMJ The worst Pain I Ever Had

So two days ago I had the worse pain of my life... I thought it was a tooth ache at first then it felt like my jaw was breaking... The pain then travelled up my face and down the side of my neck.. holy crap was that painful... I am still recovering I have inflammation on the left side of my jaw and it still throbs ... My doc said its TMJ.. I had a Rhumy appt. and I told him about it and he said my Lupus or fibromyalgia might be playing a roll in the TMJ problems.. Pain pills don't help just makes me feel high.. I keep laying next to my heater or putting an ice pack on my face... Has anyone else have this problem?

Hi Crystal,

I have minimal jaw pain. So I’m sorry you’re going through this… My main problem is the popping jaw on both sides and with a little pain…let’s see if anyone else has what your explaining

Hope ice and heat helps.


Thank you! I use to just have the popping jaw and some pain, but it just went to another level of pain lol seriously the worst pain I ever felt … Praying it goes away soon… Fingers crossed

Hi, I get the same thing, it’s horrible! My doc suggested going to a dentist as they can make a guard/brace to wear at night which is supposed to help. The dentist sent me for X-rays, he suggested light massage to help relax the muscle from the ear down the neck, heat/cold packs and to go on a softish food diet for a while to give my jaw and muscles a bit of a break. It’s a horrible thing and so very painful. Hope it starts to ease for you soon.

Crystal, you may wish to research trigeminal neuralgia. Many who have TN were originally diagnosed with TMJ.

Hi Crystal,

I've had TMJ problems for years. I sleep with a nightguard and just had surgery on both joints. My specialist says the best thing for those muscles are warm compress. I use it twice a day, once when I get up in the morning and again before I go to bed. I found this and use it everyday with a wet papertowel on both sides to make sure the water can penetrate. Hope this helps.

Thank You! Hope you stay pain free. This is such a pain in the neck LOL

Have you found the mouth splint effective?

Thank you! I will definitely look into it!

Thank you! I'm definitely going to try that... So far my heater is helping lol I also read somewhere that taking magnesium helps with the tmj.