Aching Teeth

I was diagnosed about a month ago, but have been having symptoms for about 3 years. In the past two months my teeth have been aching terribly. I have not really seen this listed as a symptom, so I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this, or if I should look for some other reason. (I do not have a sinus infection or cold) Thanks so much.

Hello Laurie

Since I was diagnosed 26 years ago I have noticed that the symptoms list has grown. If a new symptom is expressed by one person only to find that many other people with fibro also are dealing with the same pain over a span of time then it seems to become a part of the list.

Yes, my teeth ache at times. I never used to have problems with resulting pain after a visit to the dentist until about 25 years ago. Since then the pain has made me avoid a trip to the dentist for regular cleaning. I go if a filling has come out or I think I need a new filling. But this ache is not with me constantly. But when it comes it really hurts for its duration.

Laurie, I'm glad you posted this question. It will be interesting to see how many other people also have it.

kholmes, I had the teeth aching plus the right jaw hurting at the same time and it lasted for quite awhile so I read up on Trigeminal Neuralgia wondering if this was my problem. But in due time the pain went away and I haven't had any pain for several months so who knows? I hope it never comes back because the pain can be brutal.

Hi Laurie,

More often than not I have a sore jaw and teeth to some degree. I grind my teeth at night and do have a night gaurd that was molded by the dentist, those otc ones don't really work. Do you grind your teeth at night? If you are married or have a partner, ask them if they notice you grinding your teeth. Do you wake up in the morning with a sore jaw? I really notice the difference when I don't wear the night gaurd. I wonder too if many people with fibro experience this. I have not been officially diagnosed with TMJ but I think it's mainly my oversensitive nerves that are causing the problem. I hope you figure out a way to eliminate this pain.

I have fibro for two decades now and I just went through my first jaw and teeth pain episode this past year, I knew something had to wrong the way it was hurting.

I went to dentist, oral surgeon, ent, and had 2 cat scan with dye lots of xrays and nothing showed, I even had two teeth removed thinking It was them at first. It wasn't,

This last several months and finally went away and now the pain has moved to my knee and hip. That's fibro keeps movng around and tons of money spent to find nothing,

My neck and jaw is starting to hurting again and don't know if crocheting I have been doing, posture sitting at the pc but something gets it going and fibro makes it magnified,

You aren't alone, But still wise to get checked out, just incase.

I do not grind me teeth I do not have TMJ. Just how fibro is moves around.

Hi Laurie,

Like Eve, I grind my teeth at night, plus due to my anxiety disorder I clench my teeth without even realising I do it, until I do realise and then stop myself. This results in aching teeth and now my teeth are showing signs of wear on the edges.

My dentist is currently making me a silicone mouth guard, made from an impression she took of my teeth, so hopefully it should fit like a glove!

I did buy an OTC one, but it's awful and so uncomfortable.

Hopefully the guard will help preserve my teeth and ease the ache.

Best wishes,

Lucy xxx

My teeth ache all of the time as well. I have just come to assume it is another part of my body falling apart from the fibromyalgia. I have had so many more sinus problems than I had prior to my diagnosis. I also keep finding I keep hitting my teeth differently at times causing extreme pain. There are SO MANY things going wrong, there is no "normal" anymore.

I hope you get better soon!


Mine tends to come and go, but I get achy and sometimes very achy teeth too. Going to the dentist might be a good idea, but it's very possible it's just one of the places FM hits you. From what I've seen there tends to be a cluster of things that are generally talked about in connection with FM. And then there's the whole slew of stuff that doesn't - I think in part because they're the parts that vary most from person to person. Well, and I think after a while we can feel so crappy that any and all new little things just get swipe up in "I'm in pain, I'm tired, and I feel lousy!"

Hope you find some answers soon! *hugs*

Find out if you are grinding your teeth.I do it.
No ins to get a fitted mouthguard.

Yes I too suffer from aching teeth. It’s so bad that I can’t eve n stand having my teeth cleaned by the dentist because its so painful. I have to take something to calm my nerve jet to get through the procedure. I did Fibro group therapy and everyone complained of this.

Hi Darcy

So you are like me......we both can't stand to have our teeth cleaned because of the pain. So now I know that I am not the only one.

It's so important that members pose questions because other members will realise that they are not the only ones suffering from this particular problem.

Hi, you may have what I have been diagnosed with. Many people even have many teeth pulled thinking its their teeth. It's called Atypical trigeminal neuralgia. There is even a Ben's Friends group for Trigeminal neuralgia and other neuralgias of the skull because it's so common. We passed 5000 members last week. Here's more info.


Oh I am just now reading all the responses and it fascinates me that this teeth thing could just be fibro. It does hurt me to get them cleaned too. If it's just your teeth, it may just be fibro. My pain is quite a bit more severe and goes up to my ear.

Thank you so much all of you. It helps to know that others have this as well. (not that I would wish it on anyone!) Sheila, I just read about your condition. It sounds very painful. I used to get stabbing type pains around my jaw and lip area but have not had that recently. Did a neurologist diagnose you?

My teeth became so sensitive I had to start using a prescription toothpaste. The earaches may be caused by your greater occipital nerve. It runs behind the ear, up the neck, behind the head. It can be the cause of migraines. When I got fibro, my migraines changed to GON ones. My earaches come from here.

I too have teeth and jaw pain. This is a fairly new symptom for me and people ask if my treaty hurt because I put pressure on my jaws a lot to hel

Help alleviate the pain when I speak . Sorry bit reply too soon.

No, it was an E.R. doc who diagnosed me. he had seen a few other TN patients in his E.R.

Hi Laurie,

I have gone through this for decades, and it's not fun. My Dad bought my childhood dentist a Swiss Chalet, I;m sure, with all the work I had done, only to lose most of my teeth young, and just in the past few years found out it was to Sjogren's Syndrome.

The few teeth I have left all have exposed nerves, so the Lyrica really helps with that, as does the toothpaste for sensitive teeth! I try to pick it up at the Dollar Tree stores, otherwise it can be very pricey!

So sorry you are going through this, when your teeth ache, everything aches! Talk to your Dentist, find out what's going on! You'll be glad you did!

Wishing you well and sending some love,


I had aching teeth for a long time so last year I got them all out and got dentures.. The strange thing is I still get aching teeth and they are not even mine.. What is up with that... Hugs Lisa

Phantom pain, or Trigeminal Neuralgia.Oh yeah, I, just remembered another cause. My grandmother, my mom and I have TN only when we are hypothyroid. When our thyroid gets straightened out, the TN goes away. My grandmother had all her teeth pulled without anesthesia so she could tell if he got the right tooth or not. Soon all the teeth on the right side were gone.

Hi Laurie, Yep I used to have alot of teeth pain but I lost most of them to a MRSA infection ,so now I still get a little and TMJ .I had never put the two together before now,so I am really glad you asked the question. It is just mind boggling at times all the stuff that can happen to you when you have this.Things that you have that you have been attributing to other things for along time and it turns out most of us have the same problems ,who knew> The doctors should by now know but they have been to busy denying there even is a problem ,that of course they don't tell you.It is so frustrating ,but this site will help you so much ,when the medics try to call you a malingerer or crazy ; come here we know that you are not. We know that when you have good days that you try so hard to get those things done that are needed to survive ,sometimes this is having a little fun. We know that you then pay for it with several days of exshastion and brutal pain that takes you out for days. It has been the best medicine for my well-being I have found in 15 years,just people who know what it is like because they have been there and are going through the same fight.Good luck Laurie and be kind to yourself you deserve it.