Aching Teeth

Thank you all for your input. I feel so bad for those of you that have had to have your teeth pulled. I can't imagine how awful that must have been. Thanks the most for your support. Did any of you find anything that helped with the pain? I am on gabapentin but that doesn't touch my teeth pain. I take ibuprofen which at least takes the edge off. I just can not get over how widespread this condition is. It boggles my mind. It is like a predator, that continues to attack in any way it can. It is relentless. My heart goes out to all of you.

K I can’t type. I meant I put finger pressure on my cheeks or jaws depending on what part is hurting more. What I was trying to say was that I do this to help reduce the pain because it sometimes hurts so much that I can not pronounce certain words. I thought this was an after- effect of BellsPalsy. So maybe it is really FM related.
Feel better

My boyfriend had been complaining about his teeth for two months. This morning his jaw was swollen so he went to the dentist. A root canal is right in line with his sinus cavity. When the dentist did x-rays, it showed all the pus there and on both sides of his nostrils. Needless to say, he’s on antibiotics and sudafed. You never know do you? He’s taking Tylenol for the pain. I’d give him something, but he is too sensitive to pain meds.

I would have to agree with Sheila to be on the cautious side we should not keep ignoring symptoms and blaming fibro pain is your bodys way of telling you there is something wrong triggeminel neuralgia may be the culprit it comes as brief searing pain in one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve in the face.The facial pain lasts 30-60 minutes and occurs at about roughly the same time on successive days. Pain is your bodys alarm system to tell you something is wrong and you shoud go and report ant chronic pain we just keep on adding on to list of fibro let alone getting relief for a very painful condition it may well be fibe but you need to see a good GP to sort it out,It would also be relevent to share with him if you have ever had shingles is known in medical termilogy as Herpes zostor shingles it usually starts with pain alongg thr distribution often in a nerve in the face chest or adomen followed by vestibles {blisters} the disese subsides in about 3 weeks though but somtimes pain can last for many weeks or months in the area of the affected nerve it is the same disese which causes children to get chicken pox so take it seriously we suffer a lot of pain and it probaly is fibro but you must understand you body and listen to it whin it's telling you I;m not OK I hope you all frrl better Warm Hugs Jeannir