I have been having pain and muscle spasms in my left leg. I know that they say the pain moves around but did not realize it meant it would move up and down my leg multiple times a day? It is sometimes so unbearable and then it just stops then spasms start again before you know it the pain is bad again. It started in my back then my hip moved down to the back of my leg and into my calf. It has always been my right leg that bothers me. Never my left. It that strange it switched sides? I took a muscle relaxer but it has not helped much.
Hi mom52, I can relate to this. When it comes to muscle pain my legs definitely are the worst. Have you noticed if any one position or activity makes it worse? I have found that if I alternate sitting and walking every hour it seems to help. Also, it is a good idea to make sure you are taking in enough potassium as that can cause muscle spasms and other issues. I have sporadic success with muscle relaxers. The first 2 meds I tried were no benefit. The one I am using occasionally now works only some of the time. I try not to take it often so that my body doesn’t adjust to it and it become ineffective. I also have found physical therapy to be of considerable benefit. I have a pt who is knowledgeable about Fibro. I am never pushed beyond what I am comfortable with and my body can tolerate most of the time. I have exercises I do at home as well. Anyway I hope you are feeling better soon. Hugs!
It happens to me too. The worst is when your foot cramps! The pain was so bad I would wake up screaming. I had no luck with muscle relaxers. My doctor said that one of my medicines was leaching potassium from my body, and she wrote me a scrpt for potassium. I haven't had a spams since. Good luck.
Fibro causes a lot of spasms, big and small. I have found magnesium citrate to help mine A LOT!
It could be something completely unrelated to fibromyalgia. It sounds like a pinched disc or nerve problem. Obviously I don't know but I think we all tend to blame every ache and pain on Fibro and we forget there are other factors too. Check with your Dr. and see what he/she says.
Hi Mom52, I agree with the potassium comment from Auburnm. I sometimes used a moist heating pad for flare ups. Maybe 15 - 20 minutes. I have also used the ice gel packs but wrapped them in a dish towel first. It is sort of trial and error. I worked with a Myofascial Release therapist and that gave me a lot of relief. Now I do a lot of gentle stretching exercises and I don't get them much anymore. I hope your spasms subside soon for you.
Hi Mom52, I used to get this all the time, still get it sometimes. My first fibro doctor was big on talking magnesium for muscle spasms and guess what, it works! Just regular OTC magnesium you would find in any vitamin aisle. I take 50mg, I used to take more but cut back as too much seems to bring the spasms back. However, since everyone is different, you can feel free to experiment and see what works for you. This may not work for everyone, but it sure helps me!
Good luck and Gentle Hugs, Kimberly
By the way, pain moving and switching sides is *so* normal for me and several other people I know with fibro! Isn't this disease fun?? ;)
Try Epsom Salt baths, make Epsom Salt spray, and/or try Magnesium oil/lotion. Epsom works best for me and it's SUPER inexpensive. Not a single prescription EVER worked for me. HOWEVER, you must increase magnesium gradually because magnesium also can cause diarrhea. :) You can also soak your feet in epsom and your feet will absorb the magnesium from there. This is nice after a tough day on your feet at work.
Definitely get your back checked. I also have stenosis and a bulging disc. This causes severe pain to radiate down my left leg. The disc bulge causes the pain, the fibro intensifies it.
I take something called Zanaflex at 8 pm. It helps with muscle pain and also makes me sleep. I also just bought Pure Epsom Salts lotion yesterday and started using it today. I would try that. It's only $5 at Walmart. Also, heat and cold packs have helped me.
Start checking what you eat cause it happens to me after i eat gluten, high fructose and msg, tomato cause swelling and pain in my joints, try to avoid chemicals as much possible and you’ll start feeling the difference also try to move your legs at least take a short walk two or three times. Day,
Good luck and Food bless
I agree with Sheila W about taking the supplement she suggests..BUT...have you tried lying flat on your back on your bed and putting your legs UP against the wall to relieve the symptoms? I've done that with relatively good relief (sometimes) if it's a spasm. However, I found out the hard way that if the pain persists in the calve...get it checked out asap for a possible DVT that has happened due to the inactivity of of walking often that 'we' Fibro people are prone to because of the relentless pain we are in. I certainly DON'T want to be a fear-monger but just want you to know what has happened to me regarding what you are speaking of. This disease/condition is soooo frustrating and hard to predict where ELSE it's going to move around on our body. I surely hope you find relief. Gentle Hugs to you Mom52,.
Also happens more to me if I eat anything acidic AND the short walks help me out too.
Sonia said:
Start checking what you eat cause it happens to me after i eat gluten, high fructose and msg, tomato cause swelling and pain in my joints, try to avoid chemicals as much possible and you'll start feeling the difference also try to move your legs at least take a short walk two or three times. Day,
Good luck and Food bless
Not to state the obvious here, but first see your doctor. I had/have this issue. It was caused by a herniated disc in my neck. The disc pinches off the nerves in the spine causing the pain in your leg. Eventually it can cause paralysis. I was unable to use the left side of my body by the time they did the surgery to repair it. That is an extreme, but it can happen. Usually they can give you something called an antispasmodic. It stops the rippling affect. There is also therapy and as the others pointed out things like soaking, compresses and supplements. However it is better not to self diagnose. Some of these things can seem like annoyances but be very serious. I hope you find some relief I know how hard this is. Feel better.
Mom52, Muscle spasms are horrific. I agree it would be a good thing to check with your doctor to make sure fibro is the only cause. If they are due to fibro the Epson salts etc. can all help. The thing that has worked best for me is taking Skelain, muscle relaxer, and Tramadol together. Regular massage can help stop the spasms, but that can be tricky. If you don’t get the right massage therapist, they can do more harm than good. I hope this helps. Before my doctor prescribed the medication, I used to meditate during spasms. It can be challenging, but if you can get into a deep meditation and stay in it for the duration of the spasm you won’t feel the pain. I hope you find a solution that works for you soon.
My doctor has me take Epsom Salts baths which helps. I have a heated pool where I live and water therapy is a huge help for me. In the winter I go to the local YMCA for water exercise classes. Yes I am the only male in the class and enjoy all my older lady friends joking with me.
Also, I have a local Asian lady who d
Gives me massages now and then. She does not hurt me, she knows what to do in stretching my muscles and having my body to be more limber.
Sitting and standing in one stop is our ENEMY so even when I feel like hell, I get up off my can and keep myself moving every 20 minutes or so.
Our bodies are strange machines and if we try positive attitudes and keep moving we will all have better quality of life.
My best to you and all the members here.
Majority of my pain is diabetic neuropathy--I used to have to soak my feet in ice water about every 2 hours. That would give me enough relief for a couple more hours sleep. Nothing else helped. I got gel packs that I kept in the freezer also. But, the cold can also trigger cramping. Those cold therapy gels did practically nothing. If you take magnesium, it is advised that fibro people take magnesium malate---malic acid helps with our pain and does not cause the diarrhea that the other magnesiums cause. for cramping I find coconut water helps me. Others says pickle juice helps. I've done both. 1 or 2 Tb of the pickle juice works. But it is pretty tuff to handle--but bets screaming in pain. I can't use much heat, it makes my neuropathy pain worse. When I have used it, my husband heats up a very damp towel in the micro wave and uses tongs to take it out and places it on a dry towel , wraps it up in it and then wraps it around my leg. That way I don't get burned and the het stays longer. If my neuro pain sets in because of it, I then have to wrap the gel pack around it for just a short time to not get the cramping back---We do have to get creative.
I do have degenerative discs in my back and neck, so sometimes my legs hurt from that. I can twist around and move around so that my back will "pop" and the pain eases up. Whatever works. The potassium helps a lot of people, also extras calcium along with the magnesium--and they have calcium malate, otherwise it is best if it's calcium citrate. It absorbs better. Anyone with back pain should get their D3 checked out--helps with that.
If your stomach is unable to take Magnesium pills, you might consider Magnesium oil. I apply a few sprays with Shea Butter on my calves and it removed spasms as well as reduced fatigue. Essential oils for spasms include Basil, Marjoram and Roman Chamomile. I’ve recently discovered that EO’s can help with many Fibro symptoms. Be sure to get the EO from a reputable supplier. Some well known ones include Rocky Mountain, Mountain Rose Herbs, Heritage Oils, Young Living and DoTerra.
Hi Mom52. I am experiencing the same issues. Unfortunately the spasms and pain are not limited to my legs and feet anymore. When I spoke to my doctor the 1st thing he suggested is reviewing my medications AND supplements since some have side effects that can cause muscle pain and spasms - even after you have been taking them for years with no issues! This isn’t limited to prescription medications, there are over the counter medicines and supplements with the same potential side effects. In addition to eliminating a medication and an OTC from my regime, I now take Magnesium. My muscle spasms and pain are no longer as frequent. I would suggest if you haven’t already done so, take a list of all the medications and dosages you are taking, prescription, over the counter and supplements, to your doctor. That way you can determine if there are medications or supplements you take that have the side effects and/or you are taking medications when combined can compound the side effects. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.
Hello, Mom52!
I would definitely see your doctor about these symptoms. What you describe could just be the FMS, but reading your post takes me back to a couple few years ago when I was having a lot of the same symptoms. I ended up having an emergency surgery to repair a blown out disc in my lower back. In fact, the orthopedic surgeon said that if I had waited another 24 hours before seeing a doctor, I may well have been paralyzed the rest of my life. I certainly hope that this is not the same thing in your case, but you won’t know until you see your doctor. Feel better soon!
HUGS from Deb