I am so hurt and disgusted!!! Just left my rheumy and he seemed to have forgotten that he co-signed by diagnosis and has been treating me for it…now i have osteoarthritis even though my xrays show minimal degeneration that isnt even significant. When i called him on the fact that he did trigger point testing and all…he said depression is causing my pain. And when was i diagnosed with depression, i asked!!! Uuuggghhhh
Depression is causing your pain?!??! But you have fibro so...FIBRO is causing your pain.
Like you, I have minimal degenerative osteoarthritis. I guess the incredible pain I feel in that area is due to the fibro, amplifying the osteo pain. I'm guessing that's what's going on with you too. But I'm not a doctor.
Maybe you could look into finding another rheumy? It might not be a bad idea.
Oh Tamika, I feel your anger and pain. I went to my physiatrist that I have been seeing for sometime for my meds and depression. Well last month I had to meet with her to fill out forms for disability. Her secretary called the day before and said I needed to go in to meet with the Dr. since I had been seeing her helper Gail. I asked who is Gail? I have only seen Dr. Cynthia. Nothing lol. When I got there the next day I ask the doc if she recognized me and she said that I looked familiar!!!!!! I was furious and when she filled out my paper work all the things she told me was wrong with me she denied. I am still upset over this but I have to laugh at how unprofessional that is. She should have looked at my chart and faked it... How dumb of her... Sorry you are going throgh this. Hugs.Robin
It was so frustrating bc i thought i had finally found a good rheumy. I only had two appointments with him prior to this one but he seemed to take my fibro seriously. Now today i find that he hasbt taken me seriously at all by not putting any of our discussions into my chart. Then he said he could put fibro if thats what i wanted…huh???
Exactly!!! Only he tried to fake it but it was impossible bc the degeneration i do have is insignificant. As u said, it was as if he was denying everything.
Oh that is sooooo NOT good! He never put fibro into your chart??? It HAS to be in your chart, esp. if you need to apply for disability. And he didn't put any of your discussions in either? Sheesh. No bueno.
Tamika, I'm sorry. It's so hard to go through this AWFUL illness and then to have to struggle to find doctors who believe us or treat us with respect...it's beyond belief. You must be so upset and disappointed, both at the same time. You trust in these people as PROFESSIONALS and they let you down.
I hope you can find someone who is much better. It actually does take most of us some time to find good doctors because there are so many lame ones out there, at least when it comes to fibro. Please keep trying. You deserve it and you need it. You need to be sure that you don't have other issues going on too, like auto-immune illnesses. So a good rheumy really is essential.
Please keep us posted on your situation. I truly want to hear about it when you get a good doc who works with you.
Hugs to you,
Thank you so much. I couldnt get out of there fast enough b4 i started crying. Ive read so much about dr insensitivity to fibro but i was completely blind-sided. I will update in the future. For now…keep me in prayer please.
That really upsets me to hear how upset you are. Your doc really should be made aware of how badly his insensitivity has upset you.
I will keep you in my prayers. I'm hoping you get a good replacement soon.
I did let him know and i could tell that he knew i was right to be offended but he wasnt professional enough to correct it.
Incredibly unprofessional of him! Not much of a doctor, I'd say. I mean if he can't even admit that he didn't know what your diagnosis was, then how can you trust him with your health?
(Shaking my head)
Exactly. Thanks so much for your time
You're welcome. That's why we're here - to listen. It's surprising how much all of us feel better once we're listened to and believed.