What I thought, for several months, was a flare in my knee, has turned out to be a torn meniscus, so, lucky me, NOT, I get to have surgery. On a brighter note, the ex boyfriend and I are back together, with a better understanding of what we want and expect of each other.Its going so well that we are planning to get married AND buying a house together.
I am sorry you had surgery. Congratulations on the marriage and the house. Some times it really helps to sit down and talk things out so every one is on the same page and knows what the other expects.
Sorry about your knee. But it sounds like your in for alot of wonderful things to come.
I'm delighted to hear this about you and your boyfriend! What a wonderful surprise! I'm super happy now, needed that good news to feel a bit above the fibro monster.
A torn meniscus is fixable though, isn't it? The reason i ask is that i've had fibro in the knees and it's obviously not fixable. And I can barely walk. So while surgery is NOT a very appealing choice, it sounds like the outcome should be quite good. I guess i'm of the mind of congratulating you on it not being fibro, so you can get it fixed!
Please keep us updated on the wedding. That'll be such cheery news!