
so, my knee surgery is done and healing nicely. going to try to go back to work on Friday. Also, a ct dye scan revealed that my kidneys are in perfect condition ,but, when they did the scan they found a 4cm growth on my pancreas. so the next step is to see a GI and go from there. Not going to lie, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment. The Fibro seems to be under control for now as well. All thoughts and prayers and hugs are welcome. Hanging in there and moving forward one step at a time

Oh honey,

You have my thoughts and prayers are with you! I hope your growth is a benign one. Fibro seems to go with lumps and bumps so I'm hoping yours is another of one of those benign bumps and lumps. No doubt it is, Dena.

But if you need to talk to someone, please feel free to private message me and I will give you my number.



good thoughts and prayers are with you plus HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS


Suzie, you give out the BEST hugs to people! Just thought I'd let ya know!


Glad that your knee surgery is healing well! Let me tell you about a situation we went through with my husband just over a year ago. Ken had been having a little blood in his urine, and having had bladder infections before, went to the doc, had a test and was put on antibiotics for an infection. The next week the doc called and said the test showed no infection. Ken thought they'd made an error at the lab because he took the antibiotics, the bleeding stopped and he felt fine. The doc recommended that he see his urologist. Like most men, Ken was just going to blow that off. I insisted that he make an appointment and he did just to appease me. They did a CT scan and discovered 4 large tumors on one kidney and 3 on the other. After more testing, the urologist said that he needed surgery. He also said that the way these tumors presented made him 90% certain that it was cancer. After several long weeks of waiting for everything to be completed so the surgery could take place, Ken underwent a massive surgery. He was so worried that he would lose the kidney with the 4 tumors. As soon as he woke up from the surgery, he asked if they were able to save his kidney. Fortunately I could tell him that they did. They, of course, removed tissue to biopsy and the surgeon told me and our daughter that he was sure it was malignant. Two days later, I got to hear the doctors tell Ken that the tumors were benign and that he wouldn't have to have the second surgery!! We were ecstatic! We were very blessed and we know it. My point is, no matter what the docs tell you, there is always hope and nothing is certain until the biopsy has been done!

Please try not to worry overly much. I know that is so much easier to say than to do, but it won't help a thing and will only sap your strength and add to the depression that many of we fibromyalgia sufferers fight on a daily basis. God is in control of every situation - even yours. Take care of yourself and know that you will be in my prayers. Please keep us up to date on your health as you learn more. Blessings!!

Hi demamc

I am glad the knee is healing make sure to rest it when you go back to work. It is overwhelming so try and do some things to destress. I will be thinking of you.

Thank you all so much!!

awe petunIa..thanks . youre so sweet!!!!



Hi. I am very sorry for what you are going thru. I am a firm believer in the power
Of prayer. Please know you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted.
Jackie S.