I know it's been a while again since I have been here. It's been a crazy week, and a very painful one. My thighs ankles, arms, shoulders and upper back is so painful. I was so stiff getting up this morning.
My son had his surgery today. It took a bit longer because his muscle tissue bled a bti more than normal so they took things slow and easy. Instead of an hour, it was more like 1 hr and 45 minutes. Now we have the recovery. He is very light sensitive so we closed the blinds and he is wearing sun glasses. We have to try to keep dust, dirt, and anything else out of his eyes. That is hard now since it's been dry for months and now the wind decides to blow crazy. It's hard on him, and in turn makes it harder on me. I am so completely drained and exhausted and in pain. But I have to be here for him, help him out and try to keep him comfortable. His eyes water a lot right now, and he has to tap his eyes gently, no rubbing. The stitches he has are a bit stiff yet, but will soften in a few days. They will make his eyes itchy. I am glad it is over, after a week or so, he should be better hopefully.
This really took a lot out of me. My pain is high, I feel totally drained and exhausted. i don't have anyone to help me with his care. I know I could wish all I want for me to be better, but I know it isn't going to happen. My son needs me as well as my daughter. She won't show it but it bothers her that he had surgery today.
I just wanted to give you an update. The next few days are gonna be trial and error, and will probably keep me drained. I wish I could get someone in here to help so i can try to get some energy back, but I can't.
I'm glad to hear that his eye surgery went well overall. I had it as a child and stayed in the hospital after it. I'm shocked that he's been sent home but I guess that's how it goes these days.
It will be wonderful for him to finally see life as our eyes were meant to see it. I know it'll be challenging for a while but SO worth it for him.
As for you - how about asking your daughter to pitch in a bit to help you out during this difficult time. Can she do some chores for you? Or help with some of his basics, like keeping dust from his room?
If nothing else, try to snatch some rest time/cat naps/down time. Do something to help your brain uncramp for a few minutes, like listening to a cool song or working on a crossword. Something to help your brain relax.
My thoughts are with you and your family. Take care of yourself too or you won't be able to help the kids.
Thank you for keeping us updated. I am not one bit surprised that you are drained, exhausted and in pain. There has been quite a bit of stress on you aboput this whole thing and it's not over yet. I hope that now that your son is home with you that you won't have to spend the time going to and from the hospital.
Please get some rest for yourself throughout the day..........even if they are brief. Just sit for a bit and do deep breathing. do it as often as you can and I think it will help you.
I'm SO glad things went well with your son! Thank you for checking in. Just remember Dawn, you are a terrific Mom.
You all need to take it slow, one day at a time. This was very stressful and took a lot out of you, so rest as much as you can. It's just as important to take care of yourself! You all will start to feel better, now that the worst is over. Keep us posted ! Hugs,
Thank you for your suggestions. I have my daughter do some chores. I have to remind her, and I get the typical eye roll, but that is ok. I need her to help me. I don't think she understand what I have, even though I have tried to explain it to her. Any suggestions to "drive the point home" that I truly hurt (today is bad) and I need her help.
My sons eyes are red, and watering a lot. They are red and swollen. It will be a challenge for the next few weeks but the school is very accommodating and will do whatever they can to make his return to school a good one. They will allow him to have his sun glasses with him, his eyes are very light sensitive right now. They will keep him inside during recess, etc., to protect his eyes from dust, dirt, whatever they play in or toss in the air. The leaves can put off dust so we want to make sure we do what we can to keep his eyes dust and dirt free.
I am going to be taking naps today and tomorrow. I am totally exhausted and my pain level is very high. It hurts to do most things, even typing..(I had to take a few breaks typing this). Thank you for your thoughts.
Thank you SK, It means a lot to me knowing I have you and others here to talk to, to listen to and to encourage. I have never had that in my life before and I appreciate all the good thoughts, suggestions, words you and everyone have for me. He is good so far. The school is really going to work with me to keep him calm and his eyes protected. I am taking naps when I can. I have to be here for him too.
I am. When i put the cream in his eyes, It helps for keeping infection away and to soften the stitches in his eyes so soon they won't be so itchy. He doesn't have any bandages or anything like that. Just sunglasses and the cream for his eyes. Ibuprofen for pain, but he hasn't said anything about his eyes hurting. When I put the cream in his eyes this morning, i had him lay on my lap, put the cream in, and told him to breath and move is eyes a bit. I was touching his cheek really soft (I think I loved the touching as much as he did), he relaxed, breathed calmer, and I think we could have both fallen asleep.
This is a huge thing for him, but he never fails to amaze me. After his surgery a nurse brought some peanut butter toast in, she handed it to him, he said "thank you". She had the most shocked look on her face when she looked at me, I just smiled. He is an awesome kid, that has had a lot of things thrown at him in his 8 years.
Gentle Hugs and I hope you have a great day Petunia Girl!
I am exhausted and the deep muscle pain is really flaring up today, including my neck and upper back, shoulders and arms and my thighs of all things.
It's hard sometimes to get the naps, but I will be doing it today. I have my son on the couch with me so if he wants something or is in pain i am right here where I can hear him and help him. He truly is the definition of a trooper.
It really did take most if not all i had out of me. I kept a brave, "it's gonna be ok" look when i walked in the operating room with him. I had my hand on his thigh, a nurse let him play a game on her phone, which lasted all of 5 seconds. They asked me if I wanted to give him a kiss, I kissed his forehead and told him I loved him. He was already asleep, I turned away and the tears just started to roll down my face. Everything i was keeping inside to protect him and not scare him, came out and I just sat and cried. It's really hard to walk away and trust the nurses and doctors with your children when you cannot be with them. I just wanted to stay right by his side the whole time, but know I couldn't. Anyhow, now that I have myself crying again...
Thank you for your thoughts and words, they mean so much to me, from you and everyone here. You are all awesome.
Thinking of you this morning, wishing you a good day, give that sweet boy of yours hugs and kisses from all of us! We send you a hug, please know that you were not alone yesterday, we were all thinking of you, with you in mind and heart, and still are. You are not alone!
I'm happy to hear that your son is through the surgery and doing well. He's a lucky little guy to have you for a mom. He sounds like a sweetheart. Keep us posted on his progress and don't forget to take care of yourself too.