New diagnostics & treatment 2013

I wish ALL doctors would watch this!! This is mentioned by the first responder to this video, who is claiming to be a FMS recearcher. (genetic component val58met)

This person also tells you that if your Dr calls FMS a somatic, pyschosomatic to find another Doctor?

I found it informative in general, but with contradictions. For instance in a chart he listed opioid treatment as unsuccessful, yet in the next segment he states that there have been no controlled studies done!

I found it interesting that he stated that though this is not an immune disease that there were immune altercations present.

I was shocked to hear that the date rape drug was studied and showed improvement in sleep and pain? Anyone feel brave enough to try that? I'm out! Also very surprised to hear him tell other Doctors that they need to get out of the 'causation', for instance, whip lash or virus. How can they be dismissed, or even thrown together?

Next seeing a nurse rather than a Doctor is preferred? I want someone who can write a prescription! No offense to all of my nurse friends here!

I'm going to try to come back to this and watch it a segment at a time, it's a long presentation for me.

Thank you for sharing it, Sheila!

Yes I have to do the same thing, watch it in short bits. 1 hour of hard concentration is difficult with fibrofog.

Sandy K,

I don't think he said that. He said the doctors get upset and call it "a wastebasket term" because the legs and arms and other areas are not directly injured and nothing shows up on tests, but it is a very real illness. First few minutes he says "Is it real?" then goes on to answer it. But then I have not watched all of it yet.

I also don't know how long ago this video was made. There are more and more tests being created all the time. More similarities in fibro patients that are not in the general public, that are in the newest research.


Even though the dictionary term "somatic" and "Psychosomatic" are legit and say they are real, but caused by subconscious, they have become terms to tell the patient he is causing it himself and "I wash my hands of your case."

I sure agree that if ANY Dr. tells you that it's somatic/psychosomatic, regarding ANY illness, time to find a smarter Dr. They are taught in medical school to blame the patient when they can't find the illness, even if they have only tried 2 or 3 tests, not enough to find out there is an actual illness. I can't tell you the amount of people who were diagnosed with fibro, only later to go to other specialists such as infectious disease or endocrinologists, and later find out they have endocrine or mitochondrial disorders or Lyme disease or one of the other many infections that are not well known to the G.P.s yet. I saw a show last night called "The Virus Hunters" and they said there are new viruses popping up every year that there are not even tests or treatments for, and doctors often blame the patient, when the patient is VERY sick for decades with these viruses.

Blame the patient? How comforting!! No wonder there is constant 'Doctor shopping', no wonder we get infuriated, depressed, despondant...!

Thank you for sharing this. I believe in this context, somatic and psychosomatic are not interchangeable. In medical terms, “somatic” is referring to the somatic nervous system which is responsible for all voluntary muscle contractions and sensory information processing. The somatic nervous system enervates/ controls all sensory organs, including the eyes, ears, tongue, and skin, as well as all the skeletal muscles, and the muscles attached to the bone and used for voluntary movement. I don’t think he is implying that fibromyalgia is “all in your head” when he uses the term somatic. In fibromyalgia, its the voluntary muscular system that hurts right? And it is a perception/ sensory deal… We feel pain. That would’ve sensory. Therefore the symptoms would be referred to as "somatic."That’s my thinking. Not trying to disagree…just trying to clarify. I haven’t watched the whole video, kind of long…but I am thinking he is referring to this voluntary part of the nervous system, not saying fibromyalgia is psychosomatic. I hope I don’t come across as being rude on this. I don’t want to sound rude or argumentative…not meant that way… :slight_smile: