New medication!

so i just took a new medication fro the first time a few minutes ago, its called pristiq

has anyone had any good/bad reactions to this?

please let me know!!!!!

Hi Aliana,

I have heard of it used, similar to Cymbalta and Savella, I am pretty sure. May be part of the 'new you'! Might just help do the trick, girlfriend!

Thinking positive and being hopeful,


Here are some reviews, I hope they are reliable!


Never heard of it but praying it helps you and others! How exciting!!! You go, girl!!

It's from the same family as Effexor and I must say that I love Effexor. So hopefully you too will experience the benefits of this wonderful family of drugs. Keep us posted, Aliana!

do you think it is better than Xanax? I'm on Cymbalta and Xanax and still not doing so well

Dear Laurie,

I hope that you can get with your Doc, and work out a better plan, in the meantime, please stay strong this is a process to find the right one for you.

We welcome you, are so very glad to have you!



I'm working on it been on just about every med you can think of so far lol zoloft paxil prozac

lexapro and then the pain meds now they have taken them all away and I use all kinds of supplements Vit E D3 B12 magnesium and now heard a lil story about drinking oxygenated water

anyone else heard any thing about that ?

i heard it came out about two years ago! i havent had any bad reactions yet so fingers crossed!!

ill defiantly let you know in a few weeks when the dosage kicked in xanax never did much for me!!

i really hope so!!

thank you


wow thanks !!

thank you so much ahha


do you go to a Rheumatologist?

That Petunia girl is a keeper, Aliana! And a character to boot, in case you hadn't noticed, she can make you laugh until the tears roll!

As is our SK! She's also our kindly mother/grandmother figure. And Aliana, she is KNOWLEDGEABE on fibro and many other things. She's the person to ask your questions of.

Well, actually there are some remarkably knowledgeable people on here. Mike and Allergic immediately come to mind and there are others too who really know this stuff and can help you with figuring things out.

i am on prestiq for last 3 weeks

fibromalagia,depression ,anxiety)

i don't see any effect on me yet in term of helping with my symptoms above, hope for good )

What I diffently develop is change taste of the food ,vomiting,burping,acid reflex that I have never had before (was assuming that i am pregnant :(

So ER proscribe Omeprazole