New symptom?

Hi everyone, I hope y'all had a great holiday! As of right now, my doctor has me on 150 MG of Lamictal and 60 MG of Cymbalta. My question is, I seem to have new symptoms cropping up, and I don't know if it's part of the FM or something else. I wanted to see if anyone has these problems, and what they do to at least help. My new symptoms are: numbness in my hands and feet, I'm always cold, I can't get warm, but I sweat profusely at night; and the biggest is I have this sunburn type feeling on my back between my shoulder blades. It feels like a sunburn, only deeper in the muscle.

Hi AchyTink, I am sorry to hear this. It is always a good idea to talk to your doctor about new symptoms as they could be due to other things. Numbness can be a symptom of FMS but it also can be related to other things. I encourage you to talk to your doctor and get their input. Please keep us updated. Hugs!

hi , i agree with what Auburb said. i was pretty much about to say the same things .


all the best


several years back i had the same sunburn type feeling on a different part of my body. it turned out to be shingles. adult form of chicken pox. it is worth checking into.. it just went away. not sure about the numbness though.