Newbie, so lost, feeling helpless

I recently got diagnosed with fibro by new rheumatologist. My internal medicine dr sent me to him because my ANA numbers were so high. So I got the understanding that I had lupus. So lost. Dr put me on meds but they do not seem to be working yet. He also gave me lidocaine shots on my visit back on 12/22 but they did not help at all. Now internal medicine dr is referring me to pain mgmt. and physical therapy for relief of my pain. I am also on depression medication as I have dealt with pain and no diagnosis for 3 years now.

Welcome here, lamaschingona

I’m sure you will find acceptance and understanding in this community. Best of luck with your ongoing treatment.

Seenie from Moderator Support

Hi lamaschingona, hang in there. The pain management and PT is a good idea as it tends to hurt worse if you don’t move around a little (just my experience). Since everyone is different, it might take time to get the meds just right for you. The hard part is over - you’ve been diagnosed! Be patient and work with your doctor to get just the right meds and pain management to make you feel better. Hugs! oooo :wink: