Hi everyone! HELP

Helllooo :slight_smile: OK so the Dr started me on Savella. Which is great I also on gabapentin and baclofen. When I have flare ups I’m so miserable. Like today… I had to call into work. This is all new to me so please… Any suggestions would be amazing. Thanks so much :)xoxo

Well I’ve had issues for 2 years just OFFICIAL DIAGNOSIS was July 2nd. I have been on gaba for 2 years and muscle relaxers. I changed drs because I was not happy with the one I had before. This Dr has done testing for lupus and it came back neg but still feels like that’s not ruled out yet. Idk what to think and feel frustrated.

I will call and ask. Thank you so much!!

Lovett I tried adding you as a friend and it won’t let me :-/ what am I doing wrong lol

Thanks so much both of you for the ideas!!

Hi Jennifer and welcome! I've had Fibro for 16 years, the last year has gotten a bit more difficult. I have recently started physical therapy, just a couple times a month, and the PT is wonderful. He is really working to strengthen core muscles (at a manageable pace, he says if it hurts too much don't do it). I think I am seeing some benefits with overall pain management. For me, sleep is a HUGE issue (I never sleep much) and I know on my worse nights I feel worse the next day. My managed healthcare plan sent me to an insomnia class recently (as opposed to sleep meds) and I am trying to incorporate ideas (although I didn't really learn anything new). But the clinical psychologist who taught the class also is a pain specialist so I made an appointment to see him in a couple of weeks to hopefully get new ideas. And lastly, I am going to try a therapeutic yoga class in the fall, I have never tried this but others have expressed some benefit. So just some ideas to consider. I think the best thing I have learned is to just keep trying and never give up. Hugs, and I hope you are feeling less pain SOON.