I wonder if anyone is willing to share what meds they take for it?
My doc started me on Wellbutrin SR 150mg twice daily and Gabapentin 200mg at bedtime.
I know the Gabapentin is a baby dose... we are trying to keep doses as low as possible, and use as few meds as possible, due to all the stuff I take for Lupus (plus I have a lot of sensitivities to a lot of meds). So we are starting small and working our way up.
What I'm on is helpful, but it isn't enough. So I just wondered what others use to manage their pain and stiffness. The pain and stiffness in my back is what bothers me the most. It wakes me up throughout the night and is very painful in the mornings.
Hi Redwingfan, Just for my fibro I am on cymbalta 120mg a day, tramadol 150mg a day,klonopin at night and I think thats all for my fibro. I am on lots of others for depression, side affects from other meds. You are doing it right by starting at a low dose, than you can work up until you get the right cocktail as some of us call it. Hope you feel better, Gentle hugs, Robin Oh and mirapex 10 mg at night for my legs because they hurt really bad.
I used to be on all sorts of muscle relaxers and pain killers which made me like a walking zombie. I now have a dr. who does not believe in pain medicine for fibro, which totally upsets me since i need something. I currently take
and tramadol for pain but is too weak to do any good
My meds seem like baby doses after seeing what everyone else takes. I take 60mg of Cymbalta and 30mg of Nortriptyline to help my migraines. I was taking Tramadol as well but I cut that one out over the summer because I was feeling better and I hate taking medications. I was also taking Trazadone to help me sleep but I did not feel like it was doing much either so I quit that last month. I am thinking maybe starting the Tramadol again might not be a bad idea.
Hi Redwingfan,
I take Savella 75 mg, this has helped my fibro- not after 5 pm it keeps me awake
Wellbutrin 150 mg - but only once a day - I would never sleep if I took it 2x
Mirapex- I have not started yet
Dicyclamine - IBS
Tylenol, naproxen, Motrin as needed
Lortab 1/2 if needed, but it causes migraine
Fiorinol for headache
Tons of supplements - omega- 3,
College ate
Too many …
Hugs & blessings
MS Contin
Omega 3, 6,9
Calcium with vitamin d3
Vitamin e
I noticed the greatest improvement in my pain when I started the MS Contin so don’t let anyone tell you that narcotics don’t work on fibro pain. There are studies that show it doesn’t work for many fibro patients but they do for some and if your pain is severe and not helped by anything else, it is worth a try.
Dee, I do have trouble sleeping on the Wellbutrin. I take my second dose 8 hours after the first (so around 4:30 pm), and I am still pretty revved up at bedtime. The gabapentin helps eventually.
I appreciate everyone sharing with me. I don't know what my doctor will do next, but at least now I have an idea of what others are taking. Thanks again everyone. :)
15 mg meloxicam, 300mg gabapentin three times a day, 50 mg topiramate twice a day, 300 mg acetaminophen /30 mg codeine, 30 mg cyclobenzaprine, 40 mg citalopram, 75 mg amitriptyline, 100 mg tramadol and 100 mg sumatriptan. All of this and I still have excessive pain.