Newer Fibromyalgia Patient in need of help!

HI everyone!

I've been diganosed with fibro almost a year ago but saw many, many, doctors and tried gosh knows how many medicines I've tried. It took about 2 years to get the diagnosis and I've gotten an arthrogram in my shoulder, so many trigger shots, 3 epidurals, xrays, MRIs and gosh knows what else. I've tried Cymbalta, Tramodol, Duexis, Pain creams, and other meds I can't remember but now I'm only on 100mg of Zoloft and 2300mg of Gabapentine. I have gone to 3 different physical therapists, a chiropractor, acupuncturist, and 2 different massage therapits. Plus now I do tai chi everyday and swim three times a week, I try to get out and birdwatch but I haven't been able to do a lot of the outdoor stuff I would like to since winter is here. In the summer I still can't do much.. I used to be a very outgoing person, birder, hiker, fisher, and anything outdoors related! I love the wild and used to be able to go out in nature from before sunrise to sunset almost everyday! now I can barely do 2 hours:[ I have to change my dream of being a wildlife biologist because I wouldnt be able to do all of the duties you need to do because of the fibro. Does anyone else get awful pressure pain in their like glutes/thigh socket almost when outside in the cold. The pain gets so overwhelming that I literally can't walk anymore. I'm 21 years old and don't think I should be in this much pain plus my usual pain in my back neck and pretty much my whole body. I don't just lay down all the time but I can't seem to be able to leave the house. I can only do small chores even. I can't do laundry or lift a pot of hot water neither! I really want to get medical marijuana because I already smoke some now for the pain but smoking is really hurting my throat plus I can't always buy it, it's obviously all depending on other people's schedules, so I'm just in extra pain. Plus it helps with sleeping because pain keeps me up at night as well. I was hoping to get stronger medicine anyways that is grown for fibro plus edibles would help more anyways or oils. Anyways, the original doctor that diagnosed me isn't covered by my insurance anymore and the doctor he sent me to is stupid... she said I could go back to banquet serving and lifting 50lbs and I have a very very mild case of fibro. My massage therapist thought she was crazy and got furious anyways, I'm in really bad shape and need help! My primary wants to help so much but he can't prescribe the medical to me but he said he'll help me with disability so I can at least afford my appointments, gas, etc. Please I need help! I've seen so many doctors that think I'm faking! I have so many random pains sometimes I think I'm crazy! please I need help! I at least want to be a naturalist but I need to learn to control the pain! I also take warm showers and baths when I can, but I need some salts because I've been told that helps more! D':

Hi, have you checked out the information in the Fibro 101 guide? There are lots of tips in there, as well as wonderful discussions in the positive-pick-me-ups category. I have found that for the most part, for me, the non pain med options work better than the pain meds. They tend to bring longer term relief, things like physical therapy, mindfulness, etc. Anyway, that is what I have found most beneficial. Welcome to the group and glad to meet you!

Aw thank you Auburnm!

It's nice to at least have others to talk to, I'll take a look at the fibro101 more. Thank you for the tips! hope youre feeling better!

It was nice to meet you too!

Hi, I recommend you consider a juice detox. Juicing organic veggies, ginger, turmeric, lemon and green apples etc. I tried it recently and I’m not 100%, but I’m better.

hmm very interesting! but hey, worth a shot! what can I lose right? lol thanks guys! I really appreciate the help, hope you're having a good, non flare day:]

Bubby said:

Hi, I recommend you consider a juice detox. Juicing organic veggies, ginger, turmeric, lemon and green apples etc. I tried it recently and I'm not 100%, but I'm better.

Lash, please be careful with starting any cleanses or detoxes. Please seek your doctor’s guidance and approval first.

I need help excepting the diagnosis of FM. I was diagnosed many years ago and refused to hear it. As years passed my body just could not keep up with an awesome career I worked so hard for.
I hear the word FM and I get angry that they just have not found the cause.
I have 3 herniated disc , cervical, thoracic and lumbar. I had a thoracic epidural on Tuesday, now my head has worse ( zingers ) then ever.
I am at my wits end with the body pain, weakness, brain fogs, etc.
How do you receive a diagnosis they can not show you on paper?
I am so very angry and don’t know where to direct it !!!


Bonnie, I am sorry to hear you are feeling so bad, but it is understandable. This condition is so tricky to deal with, but you can! Accepting is a big part of it, I beleive. A quote that I like, and try to practise, is ' You can be bitter or get better, your chioce'. I kknow we can't get better, but we can do lots of things to help us feel better. My suggestion would be to make sure you are on right meds, go back to Doc if necessary, it can take a while to get them right. Are you suffering depression maybe, many of us on here do. Finally feel free to vent on here, and don't waste your energy on things you can't change.

Just interested, what was your awesome career?

Take care, Anne