Nutrition & Fibro

For a person who has dealt with Fibro now for some time I have been through a lot, tried several doctors, read-read-read everything I could and want to share my latest discovery.

My doctor suggested I meet with a nutritionist so I happen to chat with a friend who knew one. So we met and I covered everything I eat in a normal week. What I quickly learned is that some foods cause inflammation and I was eating to much sugar which is bad for those with Fibro. She told me not to buy any processed foods due to all the crazy chemicals and preservatives in them. She said I was eating to many foods that were empty as far as nutrition.

So we created a weekly menu based on my tastes and foods to help me control weight. It has been some time that I have changed my diet and snacking. The thing I miss most is my sweets. I do allow myself one sweet treat a week. I have slimmed down, feel more flexible and pain is manageable.

She asked that I do not post her name here or what she suggested in detail. She said everyone is different, but highly recommend that my friends on here consider chatting with someone about diet. Not feeling good and in pain I know it is hard taking the time in the kitchen, but I did and I know each and everyone of you can do it.

Hope this has sparked some ideas for each of you. My dream is that by supporting each other, being our own advocates along with reading up on everything you can about Fibro that we can all feel better someday.

Thank you for this post! I am looking forward to reading what others do.

I recently started my own lifestyle changes and am requesting to see a nutritionist. I currently am trying to eat clean and 3-4 color fruits/veggies at each meal. I eat chicken liver once every 2 weeks. Lean versions of all meats I can find. I cut out sugars/cane sugar but use very little honey only max 1-2 times a week. I cut out wheat, pastas, etc but I eat brown rice and quinoa 1-3 times a week. I attempted to cut dairy, but I have slowly reincorporated it back into my life in cheese form, non fat Greek yogurt and infrequent casein powder. I feel good and when I cheat (xmas and new years goods) and have sugar I feel horrible.

I am looking to try other options. Are people here doing well with gluten free? Or staying away from all of that as well?

Still not in control of my health, but first attempt seems to be working. Main goal was brain fog and inflammation, which I’m not sure if it’s working as well yet, but I lost weight which is helping me be able to exercise minimally.

I have changed my diet years ago.
I am a vegetarian
Clean food.
Addicted to almond milk LOL!!!
Each person has to take responsibility for their own lives and this includes diet and exercise.
You must do research
Talk with your Dr
It is well worth your time

Thank you for posting this! : )

Thank you for posting will certainly speak to doctor!
Has anyone tried seeing a Chiropractor & has it helped??
Gentle hugs,

Odd that I should read this today. I usually don't eat sweets... I am a meat and potatoes person. But I found some really sweet frosted cinnamon rolls in our deli and after finishing off 8 the next time I went I bought another pan full. freezing them didnt' slow me down. I also don't care for ice cream, but a friend got me a 12 pack of chocolate coated ice cream bars and I ate SIX of them one night, and finished off the other SIX the next night. I haven't felt very good since, but actually bought a box of ice cream bars with my own money. craving them, but I do believe the SUGAR is making me sicker.

Sugar definitely makes things worse. It's super inflammatory and in everything. My diet is highly restricted now because of food allergies, but it helped get rid of most of my pain. I posted some links about my diet and fibro in a reply to this post:

Glad this discussion is ongoing and that so many realize the importance eating well in combination with taking our Med’s.

Wishing you all good luck and support in your journey.


I am new to this site, joined a while back but have not been on. My doc put me on Lyrical , I am hungry all of the time. I have just started to cut out sugar, really hard for me. I see a lot of yor state you feel better cutting it out. Cheer me on friends. 2 gallons of ice cream in the freezer, moms. Food (sweets) believe in comfort foods. I am glad I found this site again. I go days not talking to anyone. Signed, avoiding the freezer

Stay out of that freezer!
Get a racy novel to read, anything to take your mind off the food.
Sit in a warm bath, candles, nice music and dream a little.
Try to treat yourself in other ways besides food.
If I get where I am not around people I will go to a local coffee shop and most times find someone to chat with, but I only drink coffee and do not ever peer at the sweet case.
Remember, when you eat the sweets they are not helping you feel better. Sometimes I will get some sugarless candy to satisfy my cravings.
Find your desire besides the icebox or cupboard.
Good Luck and I know you can do it!
I have Faith in you, now have faith in yourself.