On A Positive Note

I just wanted to mention that something positive has come about regarding my BFF with cancer. I did the math, I can afford it, and I'm going to see her for a week in late June! She still feels okay, so we're going to do some fun stuff in her state that she didn't get a chance to before her mom died.

And, it must have been fate, as another very dear friend told me he was going on vacation at that time and actually driving that way, so he's taking me! That cut my airfare in half, plus I have great companionship on the way! I can't wait to see her and catch up and spend all the time I can with her.

I just thought you'd all like to know something good came of the news. :)


Wow that’s awesome! I hope you have a great trip with your friend!

This is great news! It's always wonderful when things just fall into place like this, you KNOW it was meant to happen. You'll have a great time being with her, what state does she live in?


FANTASTIC!!!! ty I for one really wanted to know....

She's in New Mexico, I'm in Washington State. We went to high school together in Colorado. :)


I just want to say that I'm also very grateful to have such a supportive and understanding boss to give me time off, too. Her response was "Of course, hell, I'd choose friends over work too!" (my boss is a real hoot.)


So nice to hear your positive news! I hope you both have a wonderful and memorable time together! It was meant to be!! Safe travel!

Sue (aka Dreamcatcher)

That’s great news! Hope you have an enjoyable trip. I’m sure it’ll do you both good! Hugs~ Sandi :slight_smile:

I LOVE good news. Isn't it funny how that worked out? You must be elated! I hope you have a wonderful time. I know you will. Quality time with such a good friend. Oh, so nice.

Just be careful not to get too excited and get into a flare before you go! Take it easy, you have plenty of time to get ready!



Hi Meg, this is wonderful news !!! I just love when things work out the way they should… This will be such fun for you & I know your friend will be so glad to have some fun and get her mind off the things that I’m sure are consuming her thoughts these days…

Have a blessed trip

This is great news, Meg! I'm so glad you are going to see her, it will mean the world to both of you!

Further update-

Haven't decided where yet, but we're going to get small matching tattoos. An awareness ribbon for the both of us, with one side pink and the other purple.


Meg - It's cosmically perfect! The stars must have aligned right or something. And it's great that you found you could go to see you BFF with cancer. Really great. Her condition makes ours seem somewhat more manageable. And my, I'm sorry that she lost her mother. She'll really need you to give her some fun. And it will be fun, too, since your both good friends. And how fortunate to have another friend heading out in the same general direction! Is that cool or what???

Let me just advise you to please bring LOTS of water with you as it gets SO hot when you're traveling on the road.

Enjoy your trip!



Oh, now that is cool! Epic!

I'm glad to hear such great news! While reading your story the other day, I sooo wished I had won the lottery to send you :)

thank you. Alas, my powerball numbers were useless. :(


I love the tattoo idea! So cool.