Organize Your Room and The Rest May Follow


This turned out longer than expected.

I'll begin by saying my room is a mess, I have a futon you can't see, my bed is covered with stuff, dresser drawers or tops... Horrible! Also I spend a majority of my time not in school in my room, I'd say at least 70% and that doesn't include sleep, a lot of studying in my bed. Any ways, now that you know how much of a lazy pig I am and I don't try in my room I'll tell you my recent thoughts. "If I organize a nice room my friends will be able to come see the awesome Wii U!", "If I organize my room the rest will follow and I will enjoy my room the most.", "If I get a nice organized desk area it would be great and I'd love a gaming chair!"

So my decision was over the break I will clean off my desk and get a working, organized area. But then stumbled into a minor problem, my desk is small and I don't have a comfortable chair either, that's why I do it in my bed! So I bring up my issue with my Mom and she says "Well we are going to IKEA on the 17th of December, go on their website and pick one of each, you like it, it's nice, dad and I approved, we'll get it." So then we go, I've chosen a beautiful one with a nice bookshelf thing on the side, no drawers and lots of room for the comfy new chair! We get the chair, the bookshelf area but they didn't have the desk in stock so my parents got it yesterday, also when at IKEA my parents saw this table on wheels that fits around my bed for convenience and were nice enough to get that too! :)

Well now I have it all and on Wednesday my awesome boyfriend and brother got the old desk out of my room after I got the stuff off and organized. So next up is getting those awesome guys to help me build all those pieces and move some others. After they are done with the grunt work I am going to put all the display stuff on the shelves, and storage boxes with manuals and one with pencils on shelves as well. So the guys are going to start soon and be very helpful! :) I'm excited to get that all organized, have my futon cleared and my dressers organized too. And my gaming chair, my brother put my knock-off lazy boy on top of my futon and it is at perfect height for my tv! :) I think we may run into problems with size but hope not!

All in all, I have an amazing support group/family behind me to help get this done before Jan. 2nd, when I go back to school. I'm happy I'll be organized, able to use my gaming chair, have my buds over, have effective areas for my studies and be truly comfortable in my room since a year ago when I moved into the basement when I moved back in after being with my ex for awhile. The reason I didn't care till now is because I did not want to be here, I want to be independent. I have since accepted that I will certainly be independent in a few years and in a few months I'll have more independence with my license so embrace the ability of the dependence but don't abuse it.

How about you, are you getting organized?

Sorry that was so long, we made it through... LOL! :P

Thanks for reading:)

Hugs! :)

What a truth! I know I feel better when my house is clean, especially my bedroom. If my bedroom is all cluttered, I feel like I cannot relax!

Organization makes your everyday life so much simpler, which in turn relieves stress, which could help lighten some fibro symptoms!

It's so great that you have such a wonderful support! Enjoy your Wii (my kids LOVEEEE theirs) and have a very Merry Christmas!!