Pain management clinic


Yes, I was referred to a persistent pain management clinic. I'm in UK, so don't know if something similar elsewhere.

Anyway, had first intro meeting yesterday, lots of interesting stuff about pain signals and how the brain works, most of which I knew cos I do a lot of research. still good to hear it tho'.

Anyway, basically they said because we were here we had probably tried all the meds, and were sill getting no relief from chronic pain. Their approach was not meds, but a variety of courses we could attend. These were to do with what we valued and goal setting, mindfulness, relaxation and getting more active. All things which I know people talk about on here, so I found that quite reassuring. I will let you know how I get on.

Take care, Anne

Hi Anne

That is great. I have not been to pain management yet. I have a friend that goes to one close to us and they use injections and meds but do not offer any thing else. We have a new one opening next month that is supposed to offer more.

Please keep us up to date on how it goes.

Hi Anne, that sounds great. My managed healthcare plan offers a lot of classes and I have taken a few. I plan to take a couple of more this year. Please keep us updated on how it goes. I agree, it is a TOTAL BODY approach that often works best. Hugs!

Anne, this is terrific. I am excited to hear your updates on how the different courses help. :slight_smile:


I went to pain management about 4 years ago and I'm fixin' to go again (I guess they have made a lot of changes). It was really beneficial to me...lots of support and ideas. It also included a special pain psychiatrist, a physical therapist and a medical doc in addition to the 2 pain management nurses doing the presentations. Stick with it!