Pain management?

Great whole-body approach and attitude, keekee. I am so glad you are managing your Fibro well. Is that a puppy dog I spy for your avatar icon? :)



keekee58 said:

Have had FM for almost 20 years, possibly more. I tried mainstream pain control and worked with Pain Specialists and most the medications listed in this thread, however, the most effective treatments have been massage (even just foot or chair massage), reflexology, warm baths and very low impact excercise like swimming. I eat as clean as possible and acutally do Yoga even though I am "full figured". It works! Not perfect. Still have my pain days, but cover myself in grace and allow a light activity day. Drink lots of water too. Because it takes attention to manage pain, my lifestyle had to change and I can't do everything anymore, but am more content and feel better. Good luck. I hope you find what works for you!


Yes! Part of my therapy BaltimoreBaby!

Arenā€™t animals just such wonderful comfort and support? Yours seems to have a good bit of personality from the portrait. Is he/she a Griffon Terrier?
Glad you have the little furball.

keekee58 said:

Yes! Part of my therapy BaltimoreBaby!

Hi, I have been living with fibro, OA, chronic back issues (ss, ddiskd, as, 3 compressed disks, and more), and am all too familiar with pain and pain management (a misnomer). I applaud your great relationship with your primary care dr. I hope you have as good a one with the pm dr. When I first went, a little over ten yrs now, mine was wonderful. She did all I could have asked for and more. Ran full panels of bloodwork, f/up on suggestions of the neurologist who had sent me to her, etc. She diagnosed pretty much all that was going on besides the initial spinal issues the neurologist had identified, but sadly, said the "cures" were not available, and her and my goal was to "manage" my pain. So, I guess what you can expect maybe is almost anything, but if your pms is worthy of the name, hopefully, you will get a full workup and then a lengthy discussion of what was found, how you feel, what they recommend and what you feel you can handle. If I've learned anything dealing w/my pms, it's that they are extremely overloaded with people just like us, although with different conditions, etc., and it is VERY important to have your questions ready, to stay on target, and make sure that what you want is heard. I wish you all the best and hope you find a caring, thoughtful, and helpful person.

Alexandrite said:

Hi, I have been living with fibro, OA, chronic back issues (ss, ddiskd, as, 3 compressed disks, and more), and am all too familiar with pain and pain management (a misnomer). I applaud your great relationship with your primary care dr. I hope you have as good a one with the pm dr. When I first went, a little over ten yrs now, mine was wonderful. She did all I could have asked for and more. Ran full panels of bloodwork, f/up on suggestions of the neurologist who had sent me to her, etc. She diagnosed pretty much all that was going on besides the initial spinal issues the neurologist had identified, but sadly, said the "cures" were not available, and her and my goal was to "manage" my pain. So, I guess what you can expect maybe is almost anything, but if your pms is worthy of the name, hopefully, you will get a full workup and then a lengthy discussion of what was found, how you feel, what they recommend and what you feel you can handle. If I've learned anything dealing w/my pms, it's that they are extremely overloaded with people just like us, although with different conditions, etc., and it is VERY important to have your questions ready, to stay on target, and make sure that what you want is heard. I wish you all the best and hope you find a caring, thoughtful, and helpful person.

Hi. Iā€™ve been managing all kinds of pain. From the type where you feel like you are coming down with the fluā€¦but it lasts weeks to the omg Iā€™ve been hit by a truck. Something new that I have heard about but never experienced in the 25years Iā€™ve had this is the burning pain in the muscles along with muscle spasmsā€¦ I get both now and have no idea why

Hi Pamela,
I think what you are experiencing is neuropathy. I have a large area on my thigh that burns, is numb and feels like I am getting stabbed all at the same time. Itā€™s just another part of fibro that we get o deal with. Lyrica seemed to relieve it a bit but gaining 10 pounds in a week made it not an option for me. Each day is a new adventure! Good luck to you.

I would like to know if anyone in this group has ever tried LDN, low dose naltrexone for pain. It is an off label use of the drug naltrexone that is used at a dose of 50 mg. to treat addiction to alcohol and drugs. A dose of 1.5 - 4 mg. is used to treat Fibromyalgia, along with many other auto-immune diseases in particular M.Sā€¦ The results have been mixed. It is supposed to be non-addictive with no side effects, but when I tried it, I had a major depressive episode and had to go off of it immediately. Any one else familiar with it? If so, what kind of response have you had? Thanks.