So my Dr has now informed me that I will now have to go to her office every month for my pain med renewal, tramadol, but heres the kicker she told me that I was taking more than prescribed which I never have if anything I have had some left over. She made me feel like I was drug seeking and now I am trying to find things other than a pill to take the edge off my pain . I have tried ibup 600, CBD, hot and cold therapy. Im at a loss I have 4 kids to raise and now am the only source of income so I am very limited on open funds. I just really need some kind of relief. I really figured my husband would have understood my pain since hes dealt with chronic pain for well over 20yrs but when I get taken for granted and not listened to or the ever so irritating eye roll when I say I hurt and dont want to go out. Can someone please have some kind of advice.
I am sorry that you are going through this. I had to sign a paper & I will have to be seen by my PCP before my pain Med will get filled. Have you tried the complementary section? It has some good ideas. Love, Light & Peace.
I tend to want to tell you to file a complaint with the medical board. Your doctor is needless placing a financial burden on you and she’s not treating you properly anyway, making you feel like a criminal.
Those of us who depend on pain medications for quality of life have to start standing up for ourselves! We have to start pushing back hard against the narravative that everyone is a an addict waiting to happen!
I just got a letter from the University Medical Center (which my neuro became a part of several years ago) that stated my neuro was moving her office and that if I wanted a doctor with an office closer than her new one was going to be they would be happen to reassign me to a different doctor but to please be aware THE NEW DOCTOR WOULD NOT PROVIDE PRESCIPTIONS FOR MY MEDICATIONS.
Yep. Read that last line again. The University Medical Center, 60-some neuros strong, has told me without so much as review of my medical history, that none of the doctors affilated with them will prescribe narcotics under any circumstances. If I am unable to travel to my current doctor’s new location the therapy I have been on for 30 years will stop in the next 30 days.
I spent several hours writing out formal complaints and filing greivances over this. I live in a fairly big city, but to have 60 doctors removed from my pool of potential providers? Insanity. Needless to say, I will be traveling the hour to my current doctor’s new location and having a frank discussion with her about my needs vs. the new policy of the University Medical Center.
Sounds familiar. My neurologist, who has had me on opioids for 10 years for pain, is retiring in December. Nobody there to write for him. I went to Mass General Hospital in Boston for help. A well-known center that is well staffed with doctors from Harvard. I saw a good guy there to see if he could help me and he told me that nobody there treats Fibromyalgia. They don’t know what to do. He also said that they don’t give out pain med anymore unless you’re in-patient. I was in shock! So after 10 years of being of Fentanyl and Vicodin, I suddenly went off on Sept 4th. COld Turkey. I became sick. Very sick. Finally I took some Suboxone for withdrawal after 4 days. I’m being watched by a pain center. I take suboxone twice a day. It stops cravings but I never had them. I just got sick. SO now I have to withdraw off of this. Probably after the holidays. I still get lots of pain. I cry. I sleep with the heating pad. I live on Advil. It totally sucks but my head feels clearer. The choice was taken away from me. I’d rather have relief from pain but I was getting sick of the judgment too. There’s no simple answer. I am still in bed daily. No social life. Dealing with pain. I really wish the government would stay out of medicine.
Sorry to hear that. as crazy as this sounds, exercise helps the most Yes it is painful to start and get used to and yes, there will be days when the pain is too bad to work out.But on your good days walk a mile on the treadmill. That really helps the most. I hope this helps you! Hugs!!!
File a complaint with your local medical board.
This witch-hunt for narcotics isn’t going to stop until those of us who need the meds to have any quality of life stand up and complain about how we’re being treated (or not treated, as the case may be).