
Moments Before the Flare

It’s a slippery slope
With jagged rocks
Ripping and tearing my flesh
As I cling to the twigs
That aren’t strong enough to hold my burden

The weight has crept up
With nothing I can do
To shed the extra pounds
Pulling me down
The side of the mountain

My feet are small
In comparison
But yet I still can’t keep them
On firm footing
As gravity takes charge

Loosing my hold
On the life
I battle to save
As the depression threatens
To pry my grip on reality

I’ve been here before
Right over the edge
But not too far
That I can’t pull myself up
And back to solid ground

But the last time
I plunged
To the valley of shadow of death
And crawled through to the other side
One painful step at a time

I know what is at the bottom
And I don’t want to go there
But can I stop it
Or will I have to go back
Relying on Your rod and staff to comfort me

Hello KJ,

What a lovely poem and so well written.

I too know "what is at the bottom" I nearly went there 3 years ago, but like your poem states I managed to "crawl through to the other side, one painful step at a time"

Very thought provoking ............

Love Lucy xx

KJ Iv'e been there too..and I'm still here, fighting every day...going back there is not an option for me anymore.

You have a wonderful gift, please continue to share it with all of us..

Thanks Pat

Thank you, Lucy. Sorry you know what is at the bottom. The bottom of fibro is so hard to get out of once you are there.

That you, Pat. That was very sweet of you. I hope you get to feeling better and out of the bottom. It's hard to get out once we have overdone it.

Like Cat said, going there again is NOT an option! My anxiety sent me to "the bottom" but slowly, over about a year, with help, support and medication I managed to crawl back up to living again.

I'm here, anytime, for anyone, who finds themselves at the bottom, I feel sure I won't go there again as my life has changed for the better.

So if anyone wants to chat, go ahead!

Love Lucy xx

Hi KJ,

That's a wonderful poem - it makes everything with fibro so much more sharply defined! I think you should send it to other fibro groups as well. And see if there is a place to save it here, so it can be seen later by others.

Sorry, just saw this. Thank you. I wouldn't know of any groups to send it too and anything. I have had dx of fibro for over 10 years. I first started out doing all the research I could on the net but I back then all I saw was miracle cures. Just take this or do this and you'll be cured. I gave up and just dealt with it on my own. I have just started searching on the net again and finding it is a lot better than 10 years years ago, but still just getting my feet wet.

Loved the poem too... Looking forward to reading more.

Thanks PsyberTech.