Rants: Getting worked up Nullifies ALL your pain meds

Yesterday, I lost my cool in a way i havent lost it in years. You see today is my sons birthday I wanted to go grocery shopping so that we could buy his cake but since "seams" on clothing hurt my skin I was wearing a night dress. I came into my bedroom because like most of you know I have a mobility issue Im not stable on my own my husband came in with me and we proceeded to get me dressed well it just so happens. He was saying how much I have to tell my doctor the I cant care for myself without help when I heard someone say "Shes F/n Naked" when i looked up out the bottom corner of my bedroom there was a young man who was looking right at me we met eyes, and he ran. At this point adrenaline rushing through my body, my heart racing, I became irate pass me the phone Im calling the police and for about 45 minutes i was my old self again, twinges but no real pain as i walked slowly but without help they took my report and I was angry.. I didnt even think about anything else then we left within minutes of us leaving i realized i had made a mistake those twinges had semi-stiffened up my left leg so we arrived to the grocery store i was already half limp/ dragging myself so i had this "bright idea" well lets give that leg a rest ill prop my weight on my fore arms and push the cart with my other leg.. long story short that didnt work either i instead turned radiating pain in one leg to 2 blown out arms specifically the shoulders and finished off the other leg too and i ended up having to be practically carried out of the store into the car into my home and into bed...lets just say regular meds aside, and PRN narcotic meds 1500mg of vicodin so far havent taken my pain away all they have done is lessened it enough so that i dont feel like chewing wood.to endure. which brings me to my point .. do you think that there should be flare targeting medications besides your regimen? do you think getting worked up truly played a role in the severity and intensity of the pain of this particular flare? Do you think that flare intensity meds should be created and made available for sufferers? or do you think we are okay with the selection of meds we have now ?

Good Lord! I hope they caught the little creep!

Good topic! I know when I'm worked up I hurt more but I have noticed a bit of maybe an adrenaline rush by times when I get REALLY worked up. Family issues and fights put me in bed. I don't have the word processing faculties anymore to hold my own in any discussion.

I don't know what kind of properties these meds would have to have to do a better job of covering our flare intensity but I sure would like to have something available for when I'm flaring...something to cut it short maybe? that would be awesome!

Thanks for bringing this up. My GP is a Cellular Specialist and I'm gonna bring this up to her...she's a wiz on this kind of stuff.

Be sweet to yourself and enjoy your sons birthday!

PeacenLove Always~Laurel aka Northwoods G-Ma

I really hope they caught that creeper! You do bring up a really good point. It does seem that during a flare that none of my regular meds seem to work properly.

Who would blame you if you had just crawled into bed and came out a day later. We place so many demands on ourselves...

and there is a coupling of anger AND frustration. I am so sorry...but all of us understand these emotions. And for me, I know

I will pay for the emotions with intensified pain, stiffness, and cognitive dysfunction.

I personally, must do all the "tricks" that I can think of...music, herbal tea, going for a walk, and even shed some tears...

I am so sorry to hear that you went through all that and I do hope they caught him. You do bring up a valid point about meds. not being as effective during a flare. I have been told for years that a flare was brought on by a major upset of any kind. Knowing my body better than anyone I disagree. Last march I was assaulted during and directly after I was feeling the usual stuff. The next day it started and it has been my worst year yet. I am just now over a year later starting to feel human again. None of my meds. helped much through most of this flare. Like you stated the adrenaline rush kicked me into high gear and I was able for a day or so do things I normally couldn’t have.

Sorry that all happened. I have never thought that my mood issues caused me to flare. But OMG you are right. I was upset really upset the other day now I'm having issues with my shoulder and ankle when I had felt ok...well for me anyway for the last week. The med for flares would have to be a combination drug i would think, maybe a psychoactive steriod pain medication. And very powerful. Not sure any one combo med would work for everyone as we all have different symptoms.

Bottom up shades? An ounce of prevention. That's why I really like the gabapentin: it's an anxietyolytic, off label. It was originally a seizure med, but it really works for me for stress and I take it preemptively when I'm "agitated" in higher, or extra doses. I am also mindful when stress starts to ramp me and my husband up and we have a safe word: reboot when we're going into agitating conversation. Yes, i consciously feel the spasms ramping up with stress, then the FM sets in within hours and I'm in greater pain and need more meds to control it. It's a mindfulness exercise, always on the knife edge of triggering worse FM. Today though it's all about the rain fronts coming in. I swear I feel the fronts coming in before the rain hits by hours!

I am still going through the diagnosis process and my problems are definitely not as severe as what you are describing. However, I certainly notice flares of pain after periods of stress brought on by arguments, sudden loud noises, anger, fear, etc. I am sure you get the picture, anything that might cause the slightest bit of adrenaline. For me, these flares don’t last long - a few minutes to a few hours - depending on the circumstances. I treat it by focusing on something else. It is the only thing that works for me. Trying to sit and wait it out only intensifies the pain. Meds to help this would be great, I guess, but only if needed in more dire circumstances.

I don’t blame you at all for getting worked up. I hope they caught him! In response to your question about pain meds, I do have medication for breakthrough pain. I take OxyContin two times a day for most of my pain and then I have oxycodone that I can take up to four times a day for breakthrough pain. It’s common for the doctor to prescribe a medication for breakthrough pain, perhaps you could ask your doctor to do that for you. While my pain meds don’t take away my pain, they do make it tolerable. I’m not what anyone would call active but I am able to be up, mostly sitting on the couch and reading. I have also had stress greatly increase my pain, maybe because my body is already so tense from dealing with the pain that added tension becomes almost intolerable. I hope that you’re able to get some help for your breakthrough pain and I hope that you’ll hear that they caught the peeper!!! {{{ Gentle hugs }}}

I absolutely have more pain when I have more stress.

Not yet but I hope they do i intend to press charges.. but thats actually what was hoping to find out if there were meds available to specifically treat flares i had 30 pills since last december and in 2 days ive used up about 6 so and it shows no signs of slowing i dont want to keep using them and i really dont like using this type of med unless i absolutely have to

thats exactly my point for a few minutes after i felt like old me then i crashed and I crashed hard ive been unable to walk since .. at all i mean we are using brute strength and have had to move someone else in for when hes not here to practically drag me into the rest room which is no good when your flaring and your skin hurts but i have a choice endure or go on myself

Bless your heart, I hope they find him, and he gets what he deserves.

Sometimes I too wish, that they have something to take with the on set of a major flare of pain and anxiety.. I have been doing so well, but every once in awhile I have a day of hell! (pardon the word) When my migraines were bad, I could take a pill, when I knew they were coming and it helped out.. (don't ask me what it was, can't think)

I hope you had a good birthday for your son, and I hope things get better.

Have a blessed day..

I am more worried about your liver in taking that high of dose of vicodin!! Maybe you should have your liver tested just in case to see if any damage has been done if you been taking that amount for any length of time.

As to young man...i had similar thing happen in my late twenties only we came to realize that guy was looking in the window at my husband...adult was gay man who was our neighbor.

I ran out with my shotgun and 3 labs who followed the guys scent to next door...plus we called the police. Police said they watch the area but with 3 dogs of large size i was more than safe...was not so much safe as creepy to see someone looking back at you inside your house!! so i get it.

Yea when you get going it is amazing how your pain can leave...but it does not always happen sadly. I have had few times where i really needed to move and could not due to being very sick. So do not rely on it to always work.

I hope you did get the cake and had nice bday for your son...that is what is most important...giving him a most wonderful day today!! so hope he had a very special day and you were able to enjoy it!

One thing...you might want to find out a bit about person before you press charges...last thing you need is some ex con messing with your head. Believe me they know their rights better than average joe and they also know how to work the system. So speak to the police and ask their opinion about this creep! Ask them how long he will be in jail or fined...odds are he will be out much sooner than you can wink!

Stress will do me in. How to get rid of stress I wish I knew. Things you have no control over, like your peeping Tom. I have a family member in trouble with the law. One of my kids. All I can do is pray, because something’s you can’t fix, no matter how much you try. This has kept me flared up.

I am so sorry you went through this. I hope they catch the little perv. Has your pain subsided at all? Sending you hugs.

I definitely agree with you i notice it doesnt hurt as bad to move while chatting about happy subjects and laughing and being merry than it does when your being stressed and discussing finances or stressful events I dont think counseling sessions are good on flare ups

i didnt take it all at once :D it was spread out over 24 hrs Im paranoid too I read those pamphlets they give us every time they fill a narcotic med. and since its not the firsst time happening on these premises I will be bringing it up at the next board meeting they havent ever met up with a pissed off woman yet. either they assure my privacy or you brick up this window and change it location at your expense

no they made of point of telling me that because i count or rather wouldnt participate in the search they probably wouldnt find him there really wasnt a point in insisting in a report but if insisted they could have ready for me tommorrow.. Im pissed I cant walk very well as it is and you have the nerve to tell me because i couldnt hike steps with you and walk the premises with you then you wouldnt be able to positively identify him so you didnt bother searching? I made an appointment for the 15th one way or another they will find a way to help improve my mobility if i have to walk out of their with one of their chairs to do so this is the last time im told because you didnt participate we didnt search had i known I would have had the neighbors cut down tree limbs to hang off of or dragged myself.. im just pissed and im hurt and im outraged and im angry at myself for not seeing it when i talked to them that they didnt even look

Ive been in a flux really It spiked then coasted then it dipped today it started to spike at the doctors i was at a omg the musle is so tense its gonna snap the bones ( i almost fell off the scale and the exam table) i came home I took my meds i ate and i was still at that level and then my husband brought home a "support animal" and although im allergic to fur and dander ive dipped to a someone twisted my skin sharply and coasted meaning im at a heavy limbs so its dipping granted i dont like the idea of a dog but maybe if i can find a way to get some sort of assistive device so that i can begin walking again the dog can help keep on it who knows