Recently Diagnosed

Hi all! I was just diagnosed after years of dealing with Fibro symptoms. I recently ended up the ER due to leg pains to be checked for blood clots. None found - but still have severe leg pain. My doctor says it’s Fibro and biacardia - are these symptoms relatable to anyone? Sharp aches (knees, calves, feet) and tingling. Sleeplessness, severe anxiety, pain all over - from head to foot.

Hi Bee, welcome. I have pain (varies from sharp to tingling) in my legs, feet, knees. Also lots of arm pain. Extreme insomnia. The one thing about fibro is it varies between people and over time symptoms can come and occasionally go. Did your doctor refer you to a Rheumatologist? Did your doctor talk about symptom management? For me, the more educated I became the better able to deal with flares and lessen symptoms (at least part of the time). Anyway welcome to the group and gentle hugs.

Welcome to the group.

I have trouble with my legs and feet all the time. I have found soaking them in lavender helps. My doctor sent me to therapy and I learned to do streatches before I get out of bed of a morning. Anxiety seems to be a problem for most of us.

Thank you for replying! I am starting a pain management program in the next week. So that should help.

Thank you for replying! I will try the lavender soak, see if that helps at all.

My legs have begun to be the most significant place I have pain. I'm not sure why but the past few weeks have been miserable. Also a lot of tingling, stabbing in my legs and feet. I wish I had some advice to offer. Hot baths are the only thing that gives me a little relief.