Regretting my good day:(

I am a waitress. It is the only way I can make enough money to take cate of my family, unless I dance on a pole and nobody wants to see someone with fibro do that, lol. Sorry need some comedy right now.
I am at that point tonight . We all know it, had a great day. I went to work on 3 hrs sleep,ran errands for an hour and felt good enough to do lots of housework. You know, what normals do everyday. My guess is, I will barely be able to walk tomorrow and still have to days left to work this week.
I am very anxious , because I know how I feel now. Tomorrow scares the heck outta me. Hoew do you explain the crippling pain in your fingers and toes, the numbness in my hands, the hot lava going down both sides of your spine. The unbearable stiffness in your neck and shoulders, the fact that even your entire scalp is sore? Not to mention the fact you can't remembert, oh yeah that reminds me, I may need to go to the bathroom, lol. I have to chuckle. Its as I say a impossible illness. Impossible to prove, explain or imagine. I haveto laugh inside when someone at work ask me "what's wro.g" I laugh because the only thing I know right now is what's right, and that keeps me going.
I'm not trying to be down. I am a very possitive person. Just in a time of struggle right now and I know so many are here with me right now and I am so sorry:(. Its like a extremely painful roller coaster of emotions. I am so proud of you all for taking these steps with me, to get past the denial and share your deepest feelings. We have to keep it together for those who love us. Only strong people have this disease, and we can fight to be happy. My heart goes out to each of you.
Thanks for letting me share. My prayers are with us all.


What a beautiful letter. Trust me, your humor was greatly felt and appreciated. And how true to say it's like an extremely painful roller coaster of emotions. It surely is! I keep trying to right myself and be on an even keel but it's HARD. I can no longer work and feel like a 90 year old piece of baggage thrown onto the couch. Maybe that's all that people will see soon too, lol! And you're right about only strong people having this disease because I am sure that some gave up, which is too bad. Because we truly are not 90 year old pieces of baggage! We are humans who are pulled to the very edge of our sanity level at times. Like a violin string being pulled too taut.

I'm sorry that you had such a spit-tastic day. I don't know how you do it. You are in a bad position, working at a physically and probably emotionally stressful job. You obviously are deep into your fibro by now from all of the pain and the pain sites that you describe.

Are you eligible to get SSI? It's what some people get who cannot get SSDI. I would strongly urge you to look into it on the web. I say this because most of us get to the point where we cannot work. And it makes sense to try and get all of your ducks in a row should that time come (hopefully not.)

All I can do is give you my best, urge you to take a nice bath in Epsom salts, then put either ice or a heating pad on the worst spot. Ice works for me but some people prefer heat.

Bless you and I hope that tomorrow is okay for you. No pain.

Gentle hugs,


Hi Mommyslove,

I know what you mean, I had a good day last week, went a bit mad and did an extra blitz clean on the house! Very rewarding as the house looks lovely, but, boy I suffered for it, I was in pain for 2 days after!

But like you say we're a strong group of people.

Love Lucy xx

So today is not too bad, yay! Pain level is pretty low. Maybe I finally found the right meds;). My hopes aren’t too high, but I’m having another good day. Hope you all have the same.

I love how positive you are. You’re very strong. I think for us to be able to have a sense of humor and a couple laughs that’s good. We all know how hard it is. I applaud you for working. Hang in there. I’ll send prayers to you


That was beautifully said. I am learning to take days one day at a time. I hope you have many pain free days.