Restless legs

Any suggestions for restless legs? Mine act up randomly.

Hi Shannon. Try typing ‘restless legs’ in the search button on the top left side of the discussion page. When I did there were lots of different discussions on the subject and maybe you can find some useful suggestions. Good luck.

Hi, Shannon.
I have found massage therapy with a licensed therapist has helped my restless legs as well as staying hydrated. Be sure to mention the acting up of symptoms to your doctor as well. It’s good to get peer support, but always wise to communicate symptom exacerbation or new symptoms with your doctor.

My doctor recommended Progressive Muscle Relaxation. It’s where you tighten your muscles for a period of time then relax for the same amount of time starting with your forehead and ending with your toes. It has really helped me in telaxing.

*relaxing. Sorry accidentally hit the reply button. Anyways, I suggest doing some research and watching YouTube videos on how to do this. It took me a little bit to get use to it but I do do this about every evening. Hope this helps.

My pharmacist told me quinine can help which is found in tonic water. Eventually my GP gave me a drug used for Parkinsons but unfortunately I cannot remember what that was called. Of course a hot shower will help and if it became so bad you found you couldn’t cope my crisis team came out and was given just a few, obviously , of diazepam. But that’s not the long term answer as we know.
All the best. I had it for years and it’s awful.

My mother has also used tonic water for her RLS. She has figured out what the most likely triggers are for her to have a bad night and will down a half a bottle (1L) before bed preemptively. The quinine treatment has been used by all of the women in my family for many years. It's interesting how the folk wisdom has been handed down through the generations. Anyway, so far, mom hasn't had to use any prescription medications for her RLS, which is kind of cool. Talk to your doc about it. It seems like there are a lot of good treatments for it that will have you living in less pain.

I take a capsule of 99mg of potassium citrate. I take a combo pill of magnesium and potassium everyday to help with muscles. Not megadoses, just a little each day to offset mineral depletion that some prescription meds cause. When I have jumping/twitching muscles I take one extra capsule of potassium. It helps me. I’m able to sleep without any more cramps that night. I hate the cramps. I usually wake my husband as I’m trying to get out of bed without additional toe/foot/leg cramping. Awful.

My restless legs played up every night and sleep was useless. I take 2 magnesium health tabs very day now and no restless legs at all. Lyn

Hi Sharon, my Chronic Pain Clinic nurse specialist suggested I took magnesium, which I did and had a reasonable success BUT when it failed to have effect after a particularly bad attack I mentioned it to my GP who was NOT happy, saying magnesium is heavy metal which builds up in the body over a long period of time. She prescribed a medication which is a dopamine type often prescribed to patients with Parkinson's disease. It worked a dream and I can up the does considerably if necessary, which I have not had to do, just a little more from my 'normal' dose if really bad. RLS is an odd diagnosis and doesn't give others a true detail of the condition, as it can take over your WHOLE body when really bad! This medication is often prescribed for those with Sivita's dance syndrome.( Sorry don't had a dictionary with me so know there are some errors, nor do I had the tablet name here is the library with me but can bring it in next time I come if needed.

Hope that helps.


Magnesium with lots of water helps me with leg cramps. An old wives tale helps to; put a bar of soap under the sheets down near the bottom. My Dr. Even knows about that one. Good luck and happy sleeping.

My legs will act up when trying to go to sleep. The jumping and edginess are quite irritating
I’m glad it’s not constant. I take flexeril when mine act up. That usually does the trick.

I don't know about any of you, but not only do I have RLS, I also have it in my arms just as bad! The only thing that has helped is Lyrica for me so far. The only downfall is if I forget more than one dose a week (which is easy to do with Fibro), the RLS/RAS flare up is unbearable! I really on my alert ap on my phone to remind me to take my meds. Good luck everyone!!!

I also have RLS and it is acting up even as I type this. So annoying! Do pillows help anyone? I have tried tucking a pillow between my knees and have tried body pillows. Is there a method that works for anyone?

I take Mirapex for mine, seems to help.

I was diagnosed with Fibro last year September. I was also diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis to all of my joints. All my muscles have been that stiff and the pain excruciating. My joints failed to move probably and I needed help with a walking stick. I refused to settle for this so the more I google Fibro I have found Fibro is a lack of magnesium. I take 150mg of Lyrical, and Endep for the Fibro. Methotrexate for the arthritis and now take ultra muscleze advanced magnesium powder. Since taking the magnesium my muscles have eased no end, the walking stick has been hung up and I skip when outside. Woohoo.

The magnesium has also helped with the restless legs and my RSL. Magnesium will also repair the nerve damage of the Fibro. I know I'm on a winner. Good luck.