Rib cage pain

My official diagnosis of fibro is pretty recent and its only now that many of its symptoms are rearing their ugly heads. I had no idea that my rib cage could be so tender! Thankfully I don't feel any pain when I breath :), but if I laugh or just touch my rib cage, I feel such strange tenderness. What else??

I have this at times and it is terrible seems like I can never get comfortable. SandyKinCA was right I have had cracked ribs and they were a lot worst than when I had broken ribs. I use the pain patches and they work very well for me.

thanks for the info. Right now my rib pain is located right under each breast. I'll keep the tip in mind and won't hesitate to use it if the pain moves towards my back. :)

Just saw this - fibro can affect your rib cage. Lately, I’ve been having a lot of pain under my right breast - feels almost like a gall bladder attack at times. And on really humid days I get uncontrollable coughing fits. Going to mention it the next time I see the doc.

At times I can only get the photo link to show up. I keep forgetting to ask someone how to get it to show!
1072-image.jpg (94.1 KB)

Ah you’re lucky then. Mine feel like pleurisy pain a lot and lying down to sleep, which is hard enough, really sucks. It doesn’t happen all the time though as you know fibro pain is quite variable.
There are so many weird things about this illness we can’t possibly keep up lol

ugh, I had it too! Mine was on the side so just putting my arm down would hurt. What else?? Who knows, it's truly a mystery that we all get to share together : ) I hope you get some relief soon .

thanks so much for the attachment! I right away identified with ribs that are sore to the touch and pain in the chest when cough or sneeze or in my case, laugh to hard.

When I get this pain it’s a bout of costchondritis, an inflammation of the cartilage in the rib cage. Heat/ice therapy and anti-inflammatory meds help. I know it sucks! But it’s synonymous with fibro :confused: