Symptom Check

As I’ve said before, I’m newly diagnosed with Fibro. So symptoms are new to me even though I’ve experienced symptoms for many years. The last few months, I’ve had symptoms that I’ve confused with my back injury from a vehicle accident. But the pain medication I take for that doesn’t give any relief. So now I’m thinking that it’s part of the Fibro. The pain is in my upper back, shoulder blades and from of chest, seems like it radiates from the pecs, under arm area. Sometimes it’s like a burning sensation and at night it can be excoriating when I’m laying down. Does anyone else experience this? excuse my typos, keyboard issues.* :slight_smile:

Hi Bee. I do not have those symptoms and I am not sure if it is fibro or not. My one thought was that you described it as a chest pain with radiation to the arm area and upper back. For women, that could be chest pain and I would encourage you (if you havent) to consider a heart or lung condition. Have you told your doctor about this? Have they done xrays for rib fractures or a blood panel for a heart condition?

I hope you get some more replies, and find a cause for this.


Hi Bee, I would make sure you run this by your MD as this might not be Fibro related. I sometimes get similar pain but you for sure should make sure you have your doctor's input. I am glad to see online today, this is a great place to come with questions and to get and give support. I hope you are doing well other than this. Hugs!!!

I do see my internist and cardiologist regularly, just had my physical and no cause for any heart or lung issues. But after posting, I did find an article regarding Fibro basic symptoms etc on Fibromalgia network and the pain can be described as burning. So, I’m guessing that’s what I’m dealing with. :confused: Thank you both for your reply!