
Hello Everybody,

I've been looking at asking my doctor about Savella and was wondering if anyone could give me any useful tips or stuff on it. Or if it's helped anyone or if it had any bad side affects.

Hey Nessa,

I took savella a while ago and I did not have a good experience with it. I took it for about 6 months before I gave up on the it. At first i experienced very bad side effects that lasted for about 3months although the medicine was working but once the side effects went away so did the drugs effect in my body so we agreed to take me off of it. Hopefully it works for you.

HI Nessa,

I think that most of us have either tried or use Savella. Because there are so many of us, perhaps the best advice I can give you is to use the search engine at the top left side of the page. If you type in Savella it will bring up all of the discussions on the med. You can use it for just about any subject.

We are very pleased to have you with us. Hope that is a help to you, and that you are able to get the relief that you deserve!



I just started savella been on it for 4 days right now taking 50mgs a day at the end of the week will be on. The full 100 mgs a day so far it is helping a little still having bad pain but has lightened up a little do for the first hour after taking it have my stumic turning but after that I’m okay it has help with the ibs but it the side affect witch to me is a good one for any one that ibs it’s nice for once to not have to run to the bathroom but I will start taking a fiber pill or something if I get to constipated wish u luck