Side effects to medications

Does anybody have side effects to most of the medications they have tried? I have always been sensitive to meds. I cannot take the meds that are FDA approved for Fibro due to the side effects. Antidepressants give me bad migraines, Lyrica --felt like I was stoned out of my mind and Savella--I took for six weeks then got weird headaches, stomach ache, dry heaves, excessive sweating.

My doctor said I should lose some weight because of back issues, YET he prescribes meds that make you gain weight. I don't get it.

This is all so frustrating.

I am also on different vitamins with no results yet. Does anybody take vitamins or supplements?

I had a bad reaction to neurontin, it was scripted for my Fibro, altho I had taken it before for depression. I was walking as if I had drank 3 shots of whiskey! I am allergic to morphine, codien, novacain & gas anesthesia, (yippy skippy).. I am trying the herbal way in the form of fresh ginger root into my green tea, or some celery. ....

I had a bad reaction amitriptyline, issued to help me sleep, so I now take melatonin 2mg and I've been fine on that and my sleep is gradually improving.

I tried lots of anti-depressants before I found Venlafaxine 150mg which works well for me though I have gained some weight, but mentally I feel better for it.

I also take high Vitamin D as I'm deficient in it and Vitamin C to ward off winter colds, I don't want anything else on top of fibro!!!

They say magnesium is good for muscular aches but I had dreadful nausea with that.

I dread it when they suggest something new as I've had so many awful reactions with nausea, vomiting, passing out etc with some meds!

Oh I wish we didn't needs meds!! I've gone from someone with no repeat medications to having 10 on my list!!

Lucy xx