Hello, Members.
As a friendly reminder, we've listed Living With Fibro's site behavior guidelines below for all posts as they apply to discussions, chat room, and blogs.
We thank you for making this a welcoming place for all!
Mods Team
Let's Keep it Nice & Clean
- 1. No Spam.
- 2. No Personal attacks or character assassination.
- 3. No Offensive content (profanity, sexual references, illegal activity subject matter, pornographic material or photos).
- 4. No Profanity, sexual references and illegal activity subject matter in the Chat Room.
- 5. No specific doctor or hospital name mentioned in a negative context, for legal reasons. Specific doctor or hospital names in a positive context are welcome.
- 6. No sharing of members' posts to other sites without their express permission.
- 7. No soliciting, advertising, or fundraising.
- 8. We welcome people of any faith and no faith, but we ask that you not evangelize or attempt to impose your belief system on other members.
- 9. Check your politics at the door, please.
Thanks for your cooperation.