For the past 7 months, I had been hurting horribly everyday. A couple of days ago, I got a cold and cough. I am getting over it now, and the fibro pain has subsided to almost nothing. I am not complaining by any means, but I wonder if the pain will come back. I feel as if I don't even have fibro now. Is this normal with fibro?
Hi Susan - it's Laurie. Yes, what you are going through - is normal with Fibro. I wish I could give you better news about it, when I am having a good day - I am so happy to be free of pain and I find myself not taking anything for granted and just enjoy my painless day!! (Smile) Fibro seems to have a mind of it's own. When we stress out, lift heavy things or have some personal things going on, our bodies are going to really feel it and then it gets the Fibro going again. Susan, it's not life-threatening, but it's a disease that we all have to cope with for many years. I have had Fibro for 32 years now. I have accepted years ago that I would not really be free from it. However, the medical field is really starting to take this disease seriously now. It's about Time! If luck is on our side, we just might be able to enjoy a life almost totally free from Fibro. Take care of yourself, Susan and let us know how you are doing. Ok?? Love, Laurie
Susan , wow I’m so happy for you, I can’t say I have had a day that I felt like the old me… I’d be confused and cautious … I have had moments, maybe a few hrs that the pain seemed much less and I would start overdoing it and bamm , but maybe your immune system has kicked up the fight with the cold and now it’s fighting the fibro??? Not sure , just trying to think of it logically, but I’d be walking on cloud 9 … I have heard of people recovering … Maybe that’s you … If so you need to tell me exactly what you did, lol, besides get a cold and cough hmmm ???
Good for you, let us know how it goes
Hugs & blessings
Thanks, y'all for reading my post. While the cold is completely gone, I regret to say the pain has returned. Never thought I would be so excited for my son to have the sniffles. LOL! Don't get me wrong ... I wish my children never got ill. It breaks my heart .... BUT... maybe if he coughs on me I can get a cold and the pain will stop. Who knows! :)
It has been normal for me. I never know what my day. be like. I. have cycle. I may be in bed for weeks after a crisis such as a flu shot …that is how it. with me. I seldom have a day where I am not suffering from one or more of symptoms. My stomach, eyes, memory fog, body and or joint pain, even though I had my neck fissed I still have muscle spasms neck and back. The list is extensive.