Hi Everyone. I want to let you all know that I have decided to step down as moderator. Ben and Scott are fabulous people and they have created this dream place where we can all talk to and learn from each other. I love it here. I love the moderators and so many of you, those of you that I know. I have no trouble, in fact I am feeling better since I was able to give up some of my medications. I think this is a wonderful place and I am not going to go away.
Hi L-Kitty, I expect that being a moderator on this and other is very difficult and time consuming. I’m really glad that you are starting to feel better and won’t be leaving us, I would really miss you.
P.s. I love your blinking kitty.
L Kitty, I want to say Thank You for being the wonderful person you are and for worrying about others when you have so much going on in your life already. You have done so much for others and now you should worry only about you...I am glad you will be hanging around still here on LWF. Please keep in touch. Sending lots of hugs your way, Robin
Your volunteer contributions to living with fibro are too numerous to fathom! You have always been a valuable member and moderator to our group and we all thank you!
I know this was a hard decision for you, but I also understand that you are desperately trying to maintain your health, and I am so glad that you made this choice. The choice to be well, is always the right choice! You will be missed as a moderator, but always valued as a friend!
We love you, L! Thanks so much! Don't be a stranger!
I know that being a moderator is a big responsibility, one that not many of us can take on and do as well as you have. My admiration for all of our moderators has no boundaries. You all give so much! I am so glad that you will still be with us, lending an ear and giving advice when needed. We would miss you so much! Glad to hear that you are feeling better.
You have been a wonderful moderator and an encouragement to me personally.
I know that sometimes we have to do what is best for our lives, and it probably took a lot of consideration before deciding to step down. Just don't be a stranger, huh?
You are all so sweet. Thank you for your kindness.
The mod's here sacrifice a lot to keep us encouraged and safe. It is a commitment that comes from the heart. If it comes from the right place and is done the way our mod's do it, it can be fun and helpful to us as mod's as well. You know that it's said "tis much better to give than to receive". It is true.
I tend to expect far too much from myself. I am bi-polar and I think that has a lot to do with my not being able to let go when I turn my computer off. I sit petrified when I think I should be attending to something that I'm not. So...after my basement flooded last week and we learned family from out of state is coming to visit next week I am sure I made the right choice for me. I stress waaay too much over every little thing. Plus, I am learning how to live on fewer medications, which is a much different feeling than I was experiencing just a few months ago.
Thanks for your love and caring. I'm keeping you all in my prayers.
I am sad to see you go as you have been an amazing moderator. It was a hard decision to make I am sure, but sometimes we have to do what is best for us. Thank you for all that you have done for us. Now it is your turn to take time for you. I hope to see you still on the site Again, thank you for your kindness.