Proud Moment

At the request of JC, I have become a Moderator on Living with Fibro.Org, part of the Ben's Friends Community! I have been warmly welcomed into the Moderator circle by JC, Scott, Tez, and just today by Ben himself!

I am very honored to accept this Volunteer postion on behalf of all who suffer from Fibromyalgia and I will do my very best to support each and every one of you and the mission of Ben's Friends who offer solice for all who suffer rare diseases.

Wishing you all good health,


aka Susan K

I cannot think of anyone better for the job. Congratulations :-) and hugs


Thanks a thousand, Mike!

I am only being honest. You really are the best person for the job. No need to thank me for saying what I am sure most people on here are thinking.


Contests sk from suzyq that’s wonderful I’m glad for you

Thanks Q!


It was either my 'fibro fog' or simply my misunderstanding the need of the Community, I am currently a moderator for Psoriatic Arthritis PsA, not Fibromyalgia! No problem for me, I will help in any way, in any place that I possibly can! I will still be here to talk, laugh and cry and still will do my best to uphold the guidelines of Ben's Friends.



Yeah!!! That sounds great.