
Hi everyone. I have been getting a sore throat, well actually glands and ear pain. Is this a fibro symptom?

Hi Traci,

I was just reading about CFS ( Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and they seem to be part of that. I haven't heard of them in relation to Fibro. I would check it out with your dr. CFS and Fibro often go hand I hand.

Gentle Hugs

Dottie S

Yes that’s more of a cfs symptom but many fibro sufferers have it too. There’s quite a big over lap with the two but Fibro is much more painful.

Thanks. I will ask the doctor. What is chronic fatigue syndrome? I’m sure it’s more than just being super tired!! I know I deal with fatigue and sometime horribly, I was under the impression that’s part of the fibro?