Thoughts and Prayers for Squeek please!

Squeek wasn't doing so well today, so Dee just ran him to the Vet.

Please think good thoughts for them.


I'm praying for your Squeek. And for you, too. I hope for the best for your Squeeker.




Ah Renie, i am so touched, you guys are all the best !!! I did post an update under my post, it’s not good, a chest x-ray today, confirmed that squeeks heart is 2x the size it should be, it’s huge!!! I saw the x-ray, so the vet believes that these episodes are his heart trying to have a heart attack, she was very nice & suggested euthanasia … I’m so sad, my son refused to do it tonight, I knew he just needed to let it sink in and initially i dont think he understood why this was the best choice, squeek did come home with us, and after my son and i talked for a long time, he agreed that this is what we have to do… Not sure it will be tomm, or fri, or sat, but prob sooner , I don’t want to see him suffer, I’m praying he has a quiet night or perhaps just goes To sleep on his own, im not sure how im going to do this, my son want to be with him,
i Thank you all from my heart !! Every post has helped me more than you will ever know :slight_smile:
Hugs & blessings

Petunia & angel Thank you so much for your prayers, it means so much to me


Poor Squeeks. That cannot be an easy choice for you or your boy. Dee, I'm just so sorry that you all have to face this.

Let me tell you what my vet allowed me to do that helped me find some peace after my sweet little chihuahua, Francois', death last summer. She very kindly let me take him to a private room and mourn him while cradling him. He was gone but I still needed that last contact with him. I know it sounds odd but it gave me some peace on his passing.

I wish I could change it all for you. I know it's just so, so hard...but you've done everything that you could to help your Squeeks. And making his end peaceful instead of hard is going that extra mile as an owner.

Bless you, Dee. My heartfelt condolences to you.


Dee, Keeping you, your son and Squeeks in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs coming your way, Robin

Dear dee,

Sending all good thoughts, and prayers to you and your family. My heart is with you all.

Love and hugs,


Hi Dee,

I'll be praying for Squeeks. I know how hard it is.



HI I so know how hard this is.prayers to all

Thank you for so many prayers… I posted an update , I’m just trying to make the call… My heart & my head are for sure in a battle right now, you can imagine what it’s doing to my pain…ugh, I’m having pain in places I didn’t know even existed on my body… So I know the sooner I do this the better … It harder right now because squeek had a peaceful night and beside his respiration being so quick he still perks up for a snack, I know it’s because of everyone’s prayers, thank you !!!
All my love

Prayers and love for Squeek.


My heart hurts for you, your son, and Squeek. It's sometimes hard as Hades to be an adult and make decisions like these. I'm just praying for all of you, and you especially. Please know that whatever decision you make, we'll be here for you and we know what you're going through.


Petunia prayers for your son, you and Squeak. This is one of the hardest thing to have to do even though you know it is the best for everyone

Gentle hugs and it is good to let your son be there , it it important to them
