
Yesterday at 5:20am my mother took her last breath, I held her hand and silently told her to stay, then told her to go, if I could have given her my lungs I would have as I will never be able to be the woman that she was! I'm very upset over her, but I know the pain will lessen in time. Thank you all for the encouragement during these rough times, they were very helpful and appreciated. I will fill you all in on my medical progress on a diff day, I just needed to thnk you all

I am sorry for your loss, I cannot believe you are on here. My condolences to you & your family!!! M

My most heartfelt condolences :( Know that she is no longer suffering...

My sincere condolences to you and your family, Jackie. Please know your Mom will live on in your heart. If you ever need to hear her voice you can always go there.


Oh Jackie, I am sorry to hear this, I know this is a really difficult time. It is never easy to lose a loved one. Prayers to you and your family.

Jackie, I am very sorry about your mom and wishing you peace and healing. It is clear how much you loved her.

Jackie I am sorry for your loss. Try and take care of yourself in the days ahead.

I am very sorry for your loss and just wanted to send you a hug.


I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I know how hard this time is for you, having loss my dad earlier this year. Please know I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Don't forget to take care of yourself.

Gentle Hugs,

Dottie S.

Jackie, I know how heavy your heart is now. I was with my mom when she took her last breath as well. For me it was 3 years ago.. She , my gran and i had a thing about not saying good bye. We always said," see you later' and that is what i whispered in her ear. I adored her just as it sounds like you adored your mom too..Please accept my heartfelt condolences and HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS


I just read your post and I am so sorry for your loss. I felt I needed to reply because I also lost my step-dad on November 15th. I was blessed with being with him as he took his last breath. He had lung cancer and liver cancer. I also felt blessed that God allowed me to not have a horrible flare during the last week of his life and I was able to help care for him. However, I am now paying the price physically. Again, I am so sorry for the loss of your mother.

Hi Kel, I am sorry for your loss, I have been wondering how your step-dad was doing. I am sending prayers your way as well.

Kel said:

I just read your post and I am so sorry for your loss. I felt I needed to reply because I also lost my step-dad on November 15th. I was blessed with being with him as he took his last breath. He had lung cancer and liver cancer. I also felt blessed that God allowed me to not have a horrible flare during the last week of his life and I was able to help care for him. However, I am now paying the price physically. Again, I am so sorry for the loss of your mother.

My condolences at your loss. I hope the memories you have of your mom and you when she was healthier help your through this tough grieving process. Remember now is the time to give yourself TLC and allow whatever emotion to come. It is okay to just be. Hugs.

Thank you, and please know I feel your pain, and I am so sorry for your loss!

I’m so sorry for your loss…my heart and my prayers go out to you and your family at this time.


I'm sorry about you losing your mom. I'm sorry, too, that she couldn't get lungs,

You are right, you can't be your mom. But you can be you. And a lot of you has your mother in you. You carry on her mothering, teachings, beliefs, etc., because she instilled them in you. The best legacy one person can leave to another. And if that doesn't seem to be enough, think of people who grew up without their parents and didn't have that input and how they wished they did, and that brings back the importance of a parent's imprint. You live as your mother every day through that imprint.

I don't know if this would work for you, but I think it's lovely when people light a candle in memory of a loved one at church. Of course, it could also be done at home. Then you say a prayer for them or even just think about them. I happen to believe that the spirit lives on and knows when we're thinking of them.

Try to stay in touch with us or real life people so you have someone to share your grief with. You don't deserve to go through it alone.

Hugs and sympathy for your loss,


Im sorry for your loss.My condolences