Please say a prayer for my dear mother, she fell and broke a hip tonight!

Oh my, what a night it has been, Mom was coming down the stairs in the dark, and missed the last step or two, tore up her right arm, and broke her left hip. My husband was unable to get her up, as her ribs were too sore. (I did not even think to ask if the ribs were x-rayed) We had to beg her to call the ambulance, then they helped us beg her to the ER. Much to our dismay, the x-rays confirmed what we were all dreading. Thank God she did not hit her head!

Everyone was wonderful with her from the Paramedics, Doctor, nurse, techs. An Orthopedic surgeon will be seeing her in the morning, and will schedule the needed surgery. Her attending ER Physician said her bones look strong enough to hold the hard wear. Thank God!

Her name is Patricia, please send her good thoughts and prayers. I could not have asked for a better mother, she has always been a gift. She is 81, and I know this will be very hard on her. I hope and pray that we can care for her here.

I'm not sure how much time I will be on site, so please take good care of each other.

Thank you all,


I will be praying. You must watch your stress level.

Dear SK,

It is such a terrible time for your mother. Can only imagine the kind of pain she must be in - and I understand your pain too. Hang in there! Hopefully things will be better soon. Be strong for yourself and for your mom! And take care of yourself too!

Sending you virtual hugs and prayers...

God Bless!!

Thank you Fran and Lucy for your kindness. My mom is just such a lovely lady, it breaks my heart that she has to go through this. Though she is in amazingly good health for her age, (she doesn't take a single medicine,) I am fully aware of the dangers of anestesia at her age.

I hated the idea of leaving her there alone, but I would not have been able to sit in a chair all night, and hope to function tomorrow.

I was able to be strong, supportive, and optimistic through it all, but now I feel as though it's really hitting me, as I absolutely dread entertaining the slightest idea that she may have to go into a nursing home until she can walk again. Of course my husband was so good with her, and took me out to breakfast after we left, and talked this through with me.

Gentle hugs and prayers for your mother and for you as well.

Make sure you look after yourself as you need to stay as well as you can so you can support your mum.



Thank you so much, Jilly! Now I have to turn off the worry, and try to sleep!

Such a cute name you have, I've always adored it! I thought for sure I was going to have a little girl, and Jilly, Sophie, and Sherry were at the top of the list!

Dear SK

I am praying for your mother Patricia that she may sleep tonight in preparation for her surgery tomorrow(hopefully). Thankfully her bones look strong enough to hold the hardware. I have always felt that you and your mother were close. It's very hard to see someone you love with broken bones and in pain. Hopefully the medical staff will give her a sedative and pain meds so that she can sleep tonight.

I am also praying for you SK that you will be able to settle and sleep tonight. That won't necessarily be easy because you must be quite shaken up. I also pray for extra strength for you in the coming days. Right now your priority is your mother and yourself. Please do not fret about the site. You must rest whenever possible because your body needs rest. Please don't overstress yourself because your body has many areas of concern.

As I read about your mother's fall it brought back memories of my fall. In 2001 I was going down the stairs at my son's house in the dark. I miscounted and missed the bottom step so I fell and broke my left ankle in three places.....inner, outer and back. Now that I have osteoarthritis it has really settled into my joints and specially in my heel making it very painful to walk or stand for very long. Oh it is so easy to miss a step specially in the dark.

We care about you SK. And we care about your mother and her difficult situation. Please focus your time and attention on your mother and YOURSELF.

Love and hugs


dear sk , I will be thinking of your mum and you to x pleaes tc of yourself to all my love angie xx

*hugs* and *hugs* to your mum... I am really sorry that she ended up falling. I will send her a nice card if you like xxx

Thank you Rachel, angie and Mike! I think she was in shock, as she was shaking so badly, but once they administered the Morphine by IV, she settled. She could not even move her body onto a bedpan, so they were to insert a catheter. The Doctor also gave her something for nausea so the Morphine did not make her sick. From the way the Doctor talked they were going to keep her down there a while to watch her before admission, , so that eased my mind a bit. There was always a Doctor, nurse, tech, or aide there caring for her. They piled the blankets on, I was going to give her my socks that I had just put on after my bath, but they brought her those too, as it was like the Arctic circle in there!

They gave her the pain meds without her even asking, now that's a wonder in itself, I was praying that I did not have to go into battle with someone, I am very close to my mom, and VERY protective of her!

I am so sorry to hear that your mother broke her hip. Patricia will be in my prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.

Thinking of u hon and prayers for your mum

Thank Lgt, and Sneakers! I appreciate your kindness and support! It means so much to me to have all of you!

Sending many prayers for you and your dear mom, SK. Don't forget to take care of yourself through all this too. God bless, sweetie. Hang in there.




I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, Patricia. I'll be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Rest assured the others moderators will be taking good care of us until you are up to returning.

Remember to take care of yourself.

Dottie S.

Thank you caspr and Dottie! You will never believe it, just as I'm ready to lay down to sleep, my husband turns on the weather channel, and all of the alarms are going off, we are not only under tornado warnings, we are having tornado strength howling, whipping winds! Everything outside is flying through the air, just saw a lawn chair crash into my car! I'm telling you if it's not one thing it's one hundred of them!

So sorry that your mother fell and broke her hip. I to have a mother in her early 80's and I worry also. Sounds like you mother is very stoic and does not want to be fussed over this attitude is great for recovery . Keeps us posted. Will say many prays for her and you !! I read a post that mentioned watching your stress level. This is so true as you know it will make your FM flare and then you will be no good to yourself or your sweet mom. Be good to yourself and know she is in good hands and will ultimately be well . Take care and when able let us know how she is doing . : )

Praying for both of you.

I have requested, sent & Thanked the Healing White Light of the Holy Spirit to surround your Mom & I have asked God to surround your Mom with His Energy. M