Digging in...or is it digging out?

Not sure where the energy or strength is coming from, perhaps it's just sheer determination at this point, but I have really been putting forth tremendous effort trying to get the upstairs livable.

We no sooner bought the house and the roof started to leak, so about 10 years later an entire new roof was necessary for that section of the house, of course by this time the walls had to be torn down in both rooms and a BIG walk in closet. Now the attic was already crammed full as my husband has taken over the basement, the garage and all of the sheds, so it is my only place to store things, and this house was more than full before moving Mom in!

So considering how old this house is and knowing that electric was not replaced like the downstairs, we did that too, and insulated, and decided to refinish the wide plank heart pine floors, (why not, let's go for bone broke),so all of the things in these rooms were constantly shifted, most was piled in the attic. finding things is just insanity!

We were no sooner getting the upstairs cleaned up than my Mom fell down the stairs and broke her hip the first of October, at this point all work stopped, it was run to the hospital, and then the nursing home, then we brought her home around Thanksgiving, and had to move a bed downstairs, find room for wheel chairs, shower chair, 2 walkers, potty chairs with raised arms, PT and OT's in and out constantly...The living room was the only place, so it was haul out coffee table, sofa table, kids rockers and everything else, move the entire room around, and wait until my husband felt well enough and the neighbor could help...

Mom is FINALLY able to navigate the stairs with a cane, her PT ends in less than 2 weeks, she wanted a change in that room, so I have been in the attic digging out what I used to have in that room before my grandson wanted it, which was kind of 'Shabby Chic/Romantic' as far as the Theme. Did I forget to say that they wanted to change bedrooms too? My Grandson would never sleep up there, he watches too many scary movies with his older sisters, and seldom comes down anymore, considerign himself a 'preteen now'...so the kid theme is OUT, where to put all of these endless crates of toys??

I look and feel like I have been excavating King Tut's tomb, trying to find everything between that packed closet and attic, been deep cleaning, vacuuming all the books in my library, washing windows, ironing curtains, scrubbing floors...

So when I 'CRASH' it should be like a shot heard around the world! It just seems endlessly demanding, and to do one thing, you have to do 25 other things before it can happen! NO wonder I'm nuts!

I know my Mom will be glad to get her room back, and I will be more than ecstasic to get my living room back!

So this is what I've been up to, or at least a few things, been a wild ride. It just NEVER gets any easier! I can't even find a single soul willing to help, even with pay!

So how about you all, what 'mountain are you climbing'?

Wishing you all well!

Big hugs,



First I'd like to say, I love the way you write!

I could totally "see" the attic and the surrounding room problems!

The sign of a good writer, holds your attention and makes nod your head in understanding!

You sound like me when I was in my forties....

Everyone it seemed wanted a piece of me and I was the one that could make everyone's life complete!

Now a days....I have deferred to others in the family, as I am no longer in body and mind to do those things.

I know you have to slow down, don't have words of wisdom there, but your body will make you rest in time.

I'm sorry your plate is so full but I understand.

We... as women, are the backbone to the world... even when we are not sure how to stand!

Try and take care of yourself too....that was and is, a difficult lesson....and for myself!

Take care and stay strong!


bih hugs back to you SK. So what happened is somebody put some of those bunny batteries in you I believe. They keep going and going. You are phenomenal.

I feel, before you have a crash, maybe you might want to take some personal, sacred time to recharge yourself and avoid the rebound effect from over doing. Think about it?

my mountain for now is relearning how to be functional despite a lot of physical deficits. Part of that is acceptance of limitations, working around them, and becoming comfortable with the new and progressively less physically capable me. I'm working at expanding a circle of activities and people around me, to relieve the isolation, and perhaps be of help to others.

And btw, I need a nap after thinking about all you have been doing! Wow.

be well, be happy, and keep swimming in the pool of love that is your life.

loving hugs,


Hey Jeanette,

Gee, thanks, I've always liked to write, I come from a long line of illustrious story tellers, and stand up comedians! I remember the gatherings as a kid and the stories told by what I considered to be 'the old ones'. I just stood back and watched and listened, everyone was captivated by their stories, of course they embellished, but that was all part of the fun!

I really am not in the body or mind to do it either, but sooner or later I get off the couch like I was hitched to a rocket and just 'get at it'. My Mom is nearly 82, and her 'get at it' is gone! Right now it's a nightmare up there as I have dug out all the possible artwork, though I cannot find one that I want, everything is everywhere.

I have always said that fibro is the disease of the 'Overdoers', the ones whose shoulders bear the most, who are in perpetual motion until the body simply refuses to comply! Of course we never just have fibro, especially in later years. Oh it may start out that way, but seems that it sooner goes into 'overlap syndrome' or autoimmune, or perhaps it just takes that long for a solid diagnosis. Just my personal theory on the subject. During my time as moderator, I did so much research I felt as though I was a med student, but am in actuality, I'm just a patient.

I work a little and rest a lot usually but today was at it steadily. I'm still thinking that being taken off the Embrel in early January and never going back on it has actually helped me with the crushing fatigue. So there are again surges of the immune system kicking into the autoimmune hyper overdrive. I see my Rheum 3-3, so we'll see how he reacts. It's a catch 22 on that one.

Though I have some exceptional men friends here on site, I would agree that in NEARLY every case it is the women who make things happen. Without us there would be no holiday or birthday celebrations, for sure! As far as my husband making a home, well, he's really handy with woodworking, but as far as housekeeping, I always said he could live in a chicken coup, and would piss off the chickens!

Nice yaking with ya, I'm gonna say "Hi" to organicmama and scout out the attic again, in search of that cabbage rose print! Gotta have it, it's the center of the arrangement for that wall that I have in mind.

Be good to yourself,


Hi orgainicmama,

I've not been on much since you joined but I've scanned some of your posts, and you have some good ideas. The best part about what I am doing is as I empty the bookcases and vacuum off my old friends in the library, I always seem to pick up a few and randomly open them up.

I'm a big fan of the late Peter Tomkins, not only does he have an incredibly impressive body of work on the Egyptian and Mayan Pyramids, but also his works with Chris Byrd on the Secret Life of Plants, and Secrets of the Soil are phenomenal. I opened to a page today where he explains HIS opinions that chemical plant foods strip the soil of necessary micro organisms, robbing our food of valuable nutrients, but he believes they are the key components in causing the most difficult diseases to overcome, so then add the pesticides, fracking and everything else... Gee wasn't that uplifting?

I can relate to the isolation, I went from working 12 hours a day in furniture sales to not being able to even ride in the car. Car riding is still the very worst for me, my back is the worst part of me, and even with the anesthetic spray from the Rheum, I suffer beyond words when it wears off. So I get the isolation, when I do bite my tongue off to go out, I usually overdo it, but it's getting to the point where I feel like I need to break out and "GO, GO, GO"!!! My Mom is finally well enough to be left alone. She also has cabin fever and wants to go to the Flea Market ( for more stuff that will eventually end up in the attic), but she just doesn't have the stamina, and I cannot load, unload, or push a wheelchair with her in it! I think she needs a walker with a seat, so if we get one, that will make 3 to fall over! At least the wheelchair is now in the basement, my shins are grateful for that!!!

Okay, one more time up the stairs, see what else I might locate.

Catch you later girl, be good to yourself!

Health, wealth and happiness,


Hello avenk, my old friend! Is it REALLY you????? I've really missed you, and am so glad to see you back on site. You have no idea how much I'd like to get you in the attic with me, I need some help with the excavations! ha! I'll tell you I don't drink anymore, though I once did occassionally/socially, but I'm about ready for a drink. We have had a bottle of Asti in the fridge for YEARS, wonder if there's any fizz left in it? Probably 'skunked' by now, but it's calling my name!!!! I make the best Sangria you ever tasted and have been thinking of making a barrel of that too, need to pick up some red wine for a base, and some good citrus, drop my Mom off at one of my disinterested brother's for the weekend and call my best friend for a hen fest! Sounds like a plan! HA!!

Avenk, you were Saints to take them in and love and care for them the way you have, but now you get to 'breathe' again, I'm sure you'll miss them, and surely those kids will miss you both, but they will visit often, I know they will miss those big beautiful meals you prepared for them! Don't you have a fried chicken day or am I dreaming?

Well, I'm off to the upstairs one more time today, I'll be talking to you again soon!

Sending some love,


I don't know where you get the energy from, SK, I truly do not! You skate rings around many of us! And with all of your illnesses it must not be easy...BUT...you do it anyway!

It must be nice to be able to move your mother into a bedroom and out of the living room. That'll give you some extra room. It's great to hear that your Mom is doing better and can now navigate stairs once again. It seemed very iffy for quite a while there. The PT did it's job, didn't it? Glad to see it truly help someone in need.

I still want to call you very very soon. I'm having a lot of more pain with fibro now and I'm exhausted a lot. Arms are weajer now too, so it's harder to type.

But i'm just amazed at your endurance. Lady, you should get the Olympic First Prize for Downhill Cleaning and another one for Best Gymnastics used in room swapping and juggling toys and things.

HUGS to you and miss you,


Hey SK

I no you will be so glad to get every thing back where it belongs. I started throwing out things that were not needed instead of trying to keep everything.. It seems like their is always something to do or fix.

Petunia, what's up girl?

I don't know where I get the energy either, and I'll tell you, I'm running on empty at the moment. I feel the snow coming, my old bones are really aching! I've given up walking the 'tightrope path' through the attic and am using what I have already found.

I'm getting closer and closer to getting her up there, and it will be a warm, charming room. Hopefully she will enjoy the change. Waiting for the men to move furniture is aggravating, waiting for men to do anything is aggravating! HA! Like I need to tell you that!

I don't always have the energy or the ability to work like this, believe me. It comes in spurts, so when it comes I try to take advantage of it.

Take care of yourself, hopefully the next 2 days will be the END of the snow! Mom has her Ortho appt on Thursday, hopefully the ground will be snow and ice free!

Big hugs back at you,


HI Tina,

I know, it really is stressful, and while I'm doing this, then there are surely 100 other things that are NOT getting done! I know you are very devoted to getting better, and I know what it takes to 'jump through the hoops'! Talk about stress! UGH!

I see my Rheum again on 3-3, and need to have fasting blood work done again, always is the fasting kind, and no matter what day, what time, there is always a full waiting room with uncomfortable chairs at both places.

You take good care of yourself, and get through it!

Sending some big hugs back,


Hey PB,

You said it, ALWAYS something to do or fix, and too much stuff accumulated for sure! But you figure, I have my stuff, my husband's stuff, my Mom's stuff. Then there is kid's stuff, and as parents pass, then there is there stuff... I need to have an epic yard sale, but need help to dig it out and drag it out, and have NO plans to drag any back in! Weather is an issue though, even when the weather warms there is always a threat of rain, and since we tore down the carport, (it was hanging by a thread!) there is no shelter! Oh well that is a worry for warmer weather!

Be good to yourself, good to hear from you!

Sending some hugs,


COME ON DOWN! Sounds like a plan to me! ha!