May I ask a favor please ... prayers needed?

As some of you know, my 82 year old mom moved back to Wisconsin from Arizona the end of May. Mom has Alzheimer’s and is on a feeding tube because her throw has narrowed and she has numerous other issues. This morning she had what they think is a heart attack. They got a pulse, but resuscitation went on for hours. While going in to cath the calcification in her lower part of the heart, her aorta cracked inside the vessel. Not a good thing. We made the decision not to move her to another hospital for surgery, when only a 9% chance she would survive it. Gave doctors the DNR ok, which was so very hard.

May I ask you for prayers to whomever God you prayer to - to find healing powers or the strength to relieve her from the suffering she is going through?

In the coming days I may not be around, but know that my friends are with me always. Thank you so much. hugs~ Sandi :slight_smile:

Oh Sandi, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. She is in my prayers as is the whole family. Remember to take care of yourself too.

Soft Hugs

Dottie S

Sandi: Will pray. Keep us posted if you can.

Love and prayer,



I will be thinking of you and your family take care of yourself.

Aww Sandi I can only imagine how difficult this is on you and your family. I am sending prayers that your mom doesn't continue to suffer and that God gives you all strength to get through this. I hope that she makes it through and I think the decisions you have made, although very hard on you, are the right one's! Please keep us posted.

Prayers, blessings and warm hugs,

Sue (Dreamcatcher)

Just an update on a very long, emotional day. We believe Mom left us this morning and we have asked to have what organs or tissues that could help those in need. We are now waiting for the registry to acknowledge and then they will stop any meds. The doctor feels that we won’t have to endure turning the respirator off. We’ve left it in God’s hand. I thank you for your prayers.

Oh Sandi I just saw this post. I am sending prayers for you and your family in this sad time. I am sorry you have had to make such difficult decisions regarding your Mother. I hope you get a chance to read this but even if you don’t I hope you can feel the love and prayers from me and all of your friends here. HUGS

Love Dolly Baby(Darlene)


Yes, your mom and you are both in my prayers. What a tragic position to find yourself in. I'm so sorry for you, her and your family.

Obviously your mom is well loved and is in good hands medically. And leaving her ultimate fate in God's hands now is a good decision. And for you to contact the organ donation registry is heroic of you at this painful time. I really admire your decision.

I will pray that her suffering stops. You are a good woman and I pray that you needn't make anymore decisions on her care at this time. I'm quite affected by your situation. It's extremely heart-rending.

Many prayers to you, Sandi.



Well my letter just disappeared into cyberspace with out my permission so now I must start over.

Your mom has gone through a lot today so she will be exhausted and confused. Alzheimer's patients don't do well when their surroundings change as you already know. She will be exhausted from the trip from Arizona to Wisconsin plus resuscitation that went on so long. Poor lady may be angry, frustrated and lashing out at people unless she is beyond that. Yes indeed it could be hard to give the doctors the DNR okay but you know that it is what your mother would want if she were able to make that decision, but alas she can no longer make that decision.

Yes indeed will I pray for your mom, for you and for those who are tending to her care.

This is why we have a number of Moderators so that none will feel they are letting the rest down. There seems to always be one of us who has other pressing business to attend to. Go with our blessing and please find time to take care of yourself. You must do that.

Keep us updated if you can.



God's timing is always best. What a relief as she might not have withstood the surgery.

Yes indeed when we leave things in God's hands we know we have done the best thing.

We love you Sandi. Now take as much time as you need to take care of yourself. You have been through a lot today emotionally. And you're not yet finished.

Love, prayers and gentle hugs


sorry to hear about your mum.I will be thinking of you during this difficult time.Barb

Dearest Sandi,

My good thoughts and prayers are with you, your Mom, and your family.

Much love,


Sandi,my heart goes out to you and to yours. I am sure that prayers will be heard and answered for your Mother ,for your family ,and for you.Such a very difficult and sorrowful time we will all be with you in spirit and praying for you all.No one is alone in this valley that is so hard to navigate ,we will be here when you need us to help you through.Love Sarah

Prayers for you and your mum
With love x

my thoughts are with you. my mom is 100 and im always waiting for that call to come-being an only child. l know my moms had a long life and when its time-i pray she goes without much pain.

I thank you all for your prayers - it gave me strength to sit for hours and receive the hugs from my children, husband, sister and my nieces and nephew, as well as the most compassionate, honest nurse.

Now, I ask those of you who gone through this, how do I get through this? I have no pain meds to help this physical pain. I do see my primary physician on Wednesday for my blood pressure med check and am hoping she will help me out. I don’t see my pain management doc until Sept. and know she’d force me to see a psychiatrist! I am feeling very selfish thinking about myself when I think of what Mom went through.
But I want to be strong and able to be there for my sister and family, not curled up in bed on a heating pad crying. I really didn’t think my body would betray me like this!

I’am so very sorry your going through a very hard time my prayers are with you and your mom and I will ask God to do what is best for her try to stay strong and positive hugs to you Melissa xxxxx

Sandy, so sorry to read about your dear mother. I’m sure the docs will keep her comfortable w/ your oversight. Perhaps one of her docs can also help you out on a temporary basis. Thoughts & prayers coming your way. L

Sending you prayers. I lost my mom to Dementia earlier this year. Having to sign the DNR was very hard but it was the right thing to do, it let her go in peace.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

my prayers are with you and your mum xxxx hugs angie xx