Please say a prayer for my dear mother, she fell and broke a hip tonight!

praying for you and your mother…hugs to you both.

SK.....I will be praying hard for your mother, Patricia and asking God to heal her body and to provide the strength that you both need right now. I will also pray for God to send the help that you will need to care for your mother. Take care of yourself and take one day at a time. It sounds like she's in good hands.



Rattled, I love this wreath because it is made of pansies. Pansies were one of my mother's favorite flowers.........and mine too.

Thank you :-).

If it is any support, my mum broke her hip twice and came through twice. Sadly it was the results of dementia that caused her passing.

I am sure your mum will do fine as she sounds very fit for her age and that's all to the good.



May God bless you and your mother with healing and comfort. : )

Hi there SK
prayers have just gone up for your mum Patricia all the way from NZ and for you as well for strength to endure this journey with your mother. I had my mother live with me for 18 years prior to her death so I do appreciate the closeness some women have with their mums. May God give you rest tonight and may you rest well for the time she is in the hospital. Don’t worry she is in the best of hands, those of God who is the great healer. Much love to you, Lindy.

Oh dear your poor mother. Breaking her hip and arm ! She must be in so much pain. It’s good that she is healthy and strong. I am 63 and managed not to break anything until a few months ago. I fell and fractured my right arm. This is going on the 7th month and it still hurts a little and I don’t have full range of motion. I’m going to start seeing a PT. Does your mom live with you? Be prepared to do almost everything for her. It’s really a struggle when your bones have to heal. It takes time. God bless the both of you and keep us informed as to how she is doing.

Prayers on the way!

So very sorry to hear of your Mom's accident. I am saying lots of prayers for strength for both of you. Remember to take care of yourself along this long road to recovery for her.

Sending lots of warm hugs for you both,


Oh Susan, I'm so sorry. Will be praying! My Mom is 81 too, and oh how difficult life would be if this happened to her. Praying for your health and strength.

SK, I am sending you a big HUG !!
And prayers for your mom & you,
what I have just learned from my mothers total knee surgery is that while their body takes longer to heal, their mental attitude during rehab & recovery is just as important.
She will need lots of encouragement that she can function well after this, remind her EVERYDAY that she can get through this ! Her emotional state will need as much care as her physical.
A fall & Surgery for her age is scary, but I do believe in prayer & wow Patricia is being lifted up !!!
I love ya, please let me know if there is anything I can do…
The past three weeks with my mom has been eye opening, I didn’t expect her to be fearful of falling & that fear almost paralyzed her from doing what she needed to do to become mobile again, I would think, because of your moms fall, she will need a lot of emotional support, and with you I have no doubt she will do great !
Hugs , prayers & blessings
dee B

Susan, Liz and Pam, thank you all so much!

They are still waiting for her/my Doctor to approve the surgery. I learned tonight that she HAS to be in the hospital a minimum of 3 days before Medicare will pay for 21 days at a rehab facility, at 100% Surely our Doctor knows this. My sister-in-law spent the day with her, and my granddaughter was also there when a Social Worker came in and started asking my mother 20 questions. My Mom was in intractable pain, being given morphine every 4 hours, and this woman upset her to the point where my Mom cried and said she just wanted to go home.

Now I'm all for someone helping, but under the circumstances, I feel this should have been instead talked about with me, rather than drilling her!

Thanks angie, I needed that!

Luna, Karen, Ally, Ratteld, thank you for the lovely prayers! It means so much to me!

Cantdance, Lindylou, Aloha, thanks so much, prayers from around the world is just amazing! Scotland, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, England, the entire US, including Hawaii! I'll be sure to share all of this with her! She will be so impressed! She knows how much I adore everyone here!

Kimberly, bookjunkie, Sheila, thanks a thousand for your prayers and support! Oh my, I'm exhausted already! Won't be up all night tonight, I'm sure of that!

dee and Kelli, thank you both! Oh, I have so much to learn about all of this, but my granddaughter has worked as a nurses aide for years in nursing homes, she loves old people, and they love her. She really turned Mom's thinking around, my sister-in-law said she really put her in a positive place about it. She will be there to make sure she will be cared for, she has already told me that! The baby went with her, said he was going in to take care of 'his Dram'! He hasn't quite mastered the 'Gram' yet, but he could NOT be kept away!

Oh my SK, being in as much pain as your mother is and being in shock after such a traumatic fall the previous day does not mean that such a person is in any shape to be pummeled with questions. No wonder she started to cry. A special person with genuine caring for a person in your mother's state could have probably accomplished the task, but those are few and far between. Under the same circumstances I probably would have started to cry as well.

One thing Dee mentioned to me was that she should never have allowed her mother to have come home after only two days in Rehab. Dee had some very good suggestions for you because she has just been through this with her own mother. The only difference is that her mother had a planned total hip replacement.

Love and hugs


SK it's good that your granddaughter is working in the Nursing Home where your mother will be going for rehab. I know that riding in a car is very hard on your body SK and your mother is very aware of this so I'm sure she will be fine if she can phone you and that would be much better for you. It sounds like various family members will be able to visit your mother in person.

I am glad that most people who respond to you are cautioning you to be sure to take good care of yourself. This is absolutely necessary! Of course you will miss your mother's companionship throughout the day so turn to your cell phone and call her. If you are not wanting to wake her up then make sure the staff will help your mother to call you. Once the surgery is over and she has a couple of days to get her bearings I'm sure she will be able to call you using speed dial. If not then the staff can press speed dial for you.



My goodness SK, what a seemingly ridiculous rule it is that you must be in the Hospital for a minimum of 3 days before Medicare will pay for 21 days at a Rehab Facility. Does this mean 3 days before surgery? Or is it 3 days altogether? These strange rules are made by someone who is in an office. It looks right on paper.

