Please say a prayer for my dear mother, she fell and broke a hip tonight!

Awful. LITERALLY---when it rains, it pours!" Praying for her and for you.

Amen to your prayer, Pam

I hope you can ask about a rehabilitation facility rather than just a nursing home. You might want to ask if the nursing home will do any rehab with her. Some do, some don't.

Rachel I love you so much for your compassion and wise and tender advice. You have carried me through so many episodes with Mom, and now you are doing the same for Susan. (gentle hugs) Sorry to see that you and I are awake again with painsomnia. Praying we can both sleep soon.

Hi there again SK
More prayers going up for your mum Patricia and for a good nights rest for you. Prayers that while you remain calm around your mum you also get time to offload your fears and worries. There’s nothing like the stress from having to be the strong one to set the fibro. Going crazy. Prayers for a free of pain spell for you right now. Take good care Lindy xxx

She is going into surgery any time now, I'm getting ready to go in now, was hoping to see her before. Slept for about 9 hours, that was a rare gift in itself! Will let you know more when I am back. Here we go, back in the car, everyone else is at work, husband at the Doctor himself, so I HAVE to be there!

Again thank you all for your prayers, concern and good sound advice!

I'm ready for her if she returns again! I'll help her right out the door, and go right to the administrator!

Yes, dee and I were on chat last night and she gave me much good advice about this, I have a Dr appointment Friday, thought about cancelling, but think I'll go instead, he is her Doctor too, and will be caring for her at the nursing home, besides, I'm out of numbing spray, so today I use the Sportscreme!

Praying for a speedy recovery for your mother and hoping you take the time to take care of yourself also.

Hi SK So sorry to hear that your mum (Patricia) has fractured her hip..... I wish her a speedy recovery

My parents are precious to me so my thoughts and prayers are with you also.

Bev x

I hope surgery went well and that your mum comes safely through.

Gentle hugs

They finally took her down about 3:45 pm, I met the Doctor, he was very nice, said it was not the worst break he's ever seen, but it would take some work, that he would have to put a rod in to hold everything together, and give her blood thinners afterward to prevent blood clots. He will call me as soon as he is finished and let me know how it went, will take approximately 3 hours. I will go back in then.

Hope everyone is well. Thanks again for the support!

Thank you Scarlett and Bev! Your prayers mean so much to me!

I hope so too, she is in surgery right now! Thank you, Kanga!

I am so sorry but please realize if you can not be with her that you need to make sure that she has someone to advicate on her behmends wellalf to get the pain relief she needs .In so many hospitals today this is an enormous problem,and has all kinds of negitive reprcussions for the patient ,not just the pain. The level of pain can also effect whether or not she heals well and how quickly. It also causes depression if your pain is not well treated .I know that we think that they will take care ,but they don't always yunfortunatly .I will have you both in thoughts a prayers.

Sure SK. I hate it for all for you.

Evening SK…or it is here in NZ. I’m thinking of you as you travel this journey with your mother. It’s important that you take extra care of yourself at this time. If you are needing to spend lots of time at the hospital, pack yourself some food and even some easy made soups. Take a soft cushion for comfort, take a blanket for warmth. Dress in loose clothing as sometimes hospitals are too hot. Drink lots of fluids. Take more than enough meds with you in case there’s a delay in getting home. Take some slippers to put on while you visit and remove your shoes. Take something to do, a crossword, knitting anything to wile away time as your mother may need to rest and could drop off to sleep. This is all part of her recovery. She’s suffered a traumatic event which you know and sleep is a great healer. I had family in a car accident and two were on life support and this is where my ideas come from. Take wheat packs with you and ask staff where you can heat them, for your own comfort. Use a small suitcase with handles to pull it along to transport stuff to keep you comfortable as above. Accept lifts from friends to drive you to and from the hospital, places less stress on yourself in driving. And remember you and your dear mother are being upheld in prayer around the world. Love and hugs Lindy. Xxx

Thank you sarah, so far she has been very fortunate with pain meds. They immediately gave her Morphine and an anti-nausea med in the ER, gave it to her every 4 hours, and then tonight they changed her to Percocet. The nurse explained that some Doctors consider it more effective for this type of pain!

Thank you for your prayers!

Thanks tricky and Mommy2Clara! So far so good! Thanks for your concern and prayers!

It's over, she did very well! The surgeon called and told me the reason it took so long was that the instruments had to be cleaned and sterilized again before starting! (I'm glad he checks things out so thoroughly) They used an epideral as the main anesthesia, which worked very well, I am well aware that when that wears off, and she has to start moving about, that she will be howling with pain! Her bandages are about 18-24 inches long, which implies a long rod, they have an ice pack on it, They changed her meds from Morphine to Percocet, and have given them round the clock without her even having to ask, much to my surprise, however the meds to prevent nausea have to be asked for??

There was a place on her arm, above her wrist that she tore open down to the meat, (about the size of a lemon) with a large piece of skin that was 'flapping', I helped the nurse to use a certain type of surgical tape to put this back in place to regrow. Of course it was cleaned well first and the antibiotic salve was then applied and something like a big piece of tape was placed over it, she even dated and signed it. So I'm pleased with that, the antibiotics they are giving her will help that heal and she is also on blood thinners to prevent blood clots.

My husband took me in, so I was able to take much needed Morphine, he always shines when life gets tough, and he dearly loves my Mom! We just got in, and I'm beat!

My husband took me back in tonight so I was able to take Morphine, which helped tremendously! I talked with everyone in the family earlier and told them that since it will be late by the time she gets out of recovery, that I will not call again tonight unless things took a turn for the worse.

From the way they talked they will have her up and about tomorrow, I took her sneakers and socks and a robe, also told her to start making a list of anything she may need for me to bring her! A 'good' cup of coffee was asked for immediately. First she has wanted coffee since the fall, so this is a very good sign!

Hope everyone is well, as well as we can be, and again thank you all so much, will keep you updated. I hope you all know how much your support, care and concern has meant to me.

Love to all,


Thanks for the update. Praying she heals quickly and that your strength holds up for whatever you may need to do for her.