Tingling / numbness in head

Hi. I was wondering if others had this same problem. I get tingling / numbness in my head. It pretty much is a constant thing. Sometimes I feel really dizzy and am afraid of falling down. I'm also afraid to drive at times or even take a shower because of it. I have an appointment with a neurologist but it's four months away. Just wondering if this is part of fibro or something else?

Honestly I could not be sure what it could be exactly as there are so many symptoms that get involved . I wish your neuro appointment was sooner but till then please err on the side of caution . I have had so many symptoms a few of them being grand mal seizures, vertigo and aphasia. I have poor balance and reflexes . I gave up the idea of driving so as not to put myself and others at risk and in harms way . All the best

I used to get tingling - in my limbs as well. I can get a lot of tightness in my neck and shoulder area, and that seems to make it worse. I still do get it once in awhile when I am overdoing things.

I started taking ampitryptiline and that has helped a lot. It does a little for the pain. I started because I needed to sleep and I was having a hard time staying asleep - it helped for that and the side benefit was that it also helps with nerve pain...which I guess is the tingling.

Good luck.

Suzie, thank you for responding. I appreciate your caring words. :slight_smile: I’m still new to all of this.

Northernelf, thank you! It’s a relief to know I’m not alone in this feeling.