Trigger Point Injections

Hello All

Yesterday I had six trigger point injections. I am wondering if it is normal to hurt even more after the injections. I am also not feeling well like i am coming down with a cold. Is these symptoms normal? Thanks for listening everyone. Gentle hugs to all.

Hi Rachel,

I would definitely talk to your doctor about the trigger point injections and what is in the medicine they inject.

I have had trigger point injections before and it consisted of Lidocaine and vitamins. I found them essentially useless because they only helped for a few hours after the injection and were expensive. I didn't have any adverse reactions to the medication though. Overall, I did not find them helpful for treatment or coping with pain.



Rachel, most often the trigger point injections consist of cortocosteroids. And it is often recommended to use ice packs on the area for at least the first day. as far coming down with a cold i dont think it is related but you should speak with the doc who administered the injections. Find out if it was steroid and should you have applied ice when you got home. Write down your questions as it is often easy to forget when we get anxious.



So far I have had 26 steroid injections in so many places all over my body in one year. In the beginning they were very helpful in helping me with my pain... and yes things do tend to hurt worse for about 3 days then it gets better. I am not so sure I will subject myself to all of that this year...BUT... it really depends on where I am hurting and why...

I get cotisone shots into the knee triggerpoints and yes, I do feel flu-ish afterwards. The doctor warned me that this might happen. He told me to ice on and off for 20 minutes at a time when I got hime. It took 2-3 days to feel better but it helps my knees to ache less. Each person is different, unfortunately, so there is mo guarantees of success.

I hope yours have calmed down and the shots have provided you with relief!

I discussed it with my doctor. She said that only about 25% of her patients get relief, so I told her I will think about that option later on.