Tripping ALL over the place. So Embarrassing!

Hi everyone. Well, I certainly have started the day out with a bang - and it's only mid-morning! Since I was diagnosed with Fibro many years - as time went on, I have developed balance problems. As I get older - the worst it gets. (Sigh)

I am mortified when I trip - because it always seems to happen in public! LOL This morning, I went downstairs to take out my trash (I live in an apt.) - as I was coming back upstairs, I passed a women that I have just begun to know. She is new here in my building and I can tell we will be good friends. Her name is Kathy. Anyway, as I was passing her, she asked me if I would happen to have an extra blanket that she could use for the Winter. I told her I did, and went to my apt. to get it.

Well, from this point on - it was a comedy of errors! As I was walking towards Kathy's apt. I started tripping. It started to become a domino affect. I couldn't stop. I just kept tripping all over the place, trying to hang onto the walls. In the meantime, Kathy started hysterically laughing and so did I.

I managed to finally 'put the brakes on' just a few feet past her. She asked me if I was okay and I turned to her and said, ''Balance problems!!'' She got all hysterical again - and me too! Jeez!

I am assuming people here have balance problems as well?? It's such a hassle - isn't it?? I have problems, sometimes, walking a straight line and I need to be near a wall to support myself. I look like I am 'tipsy' and it's embarrassing! Has a drinking problem been added to my balance problems?? Nope! I have one glass of wine at Thanksgiving and one on Xmas Eve. So, I am innocent here! (Smile)

With all I go through with my medical problems associated with Fibro, sometimes I HAVE to have a sense of humor about it all. I am known within my circle of family and friends for tripping. Just part of who I am, I guess! Hugs to ALL, Laurie

I fall often hurt maself a lot and walk as tho I’ve been drinking and I don’t touch alcohol lol xxx

Hi chell - I have empathy for you! I have such a fear of falling and hurting my hips. My flare-ups are usually in my hips, forearms, neck, shoulders and back. Basically just all over the place. During the past 3 years, I have had 3 really bad falls and of course......It doesn't take place on carpeting or a soft surface. It's always on a hard surface. I go down hard, too.

Living in Nevada with the snow, I am really fearful when I have to walk on it. One time I had to do some grocery shopping and after I parked in the store's parking lot, the ice on the ground was really slippery. I sat in my car for a few minutes just to gather enough courage to get out of my car and start walking. Scary! Thanks for responding....appreciate it! Hugs!! Laurie

chell said:

I fall often hurt maself a lot and walk as tho I've been drinking and I don't touch alcohol lol xxx

Yeah I’ve broke fingers n stuff with falling I don’t or try not to go out during flare up but they r lasting months at a time and I’m weaker after each one nb just nice to know I’m not alone if u know what mean xxx

Chell - I responded to your last email to my discussion - I don't think it went through. Let me know if you received this message?? Laurie

Laurie said:

chell said:

Yeah I've broke fingers n stuff with falling I don't or try not to go out during flare up but they r lasting months at a time and I'm weaker after each one nb just nice to know I'm not alone if u know what mean xxx

No never got it x

Hello Laurie,

Yes I can imagine it must be comical at times, so good you can laugh about it; as you said - you have to find some humour in this awful condition. I often feel unsteady, and have to be very careful when carrying grandchildren. Haven't got to the tripping stage yet. P'raps that's to come!

Take care,Anne

Again....Anne - thanks for responding. You replied to my other discussion just a short time ago! I have had balance problems for a few years now - however, the 'tripping' started about 3-4 years ago. When my grandson was born 10 years ago - I was shocked to discover that I didn't feel steady enough to carry him around. I was so unsure of myself - so I would sit down and my daughter would hand him to me. I feel safest this way when handling babies now.

Also, I can't lift a baby anymore as it hurts my back. (Sigh). My son just got married about a year ago, and he and his wife are talking about having children in the near future. So, sad to say - I think the possibility of babysitting won't be happening. However, my daughter-in-law's parents live near-by and I will be able to babysit along WITH them! (Smile) Laurie

AnneV said:

Hello Laurie,

Yes I can imagine it must be comical at times, so good you can laugh about it; as you said - you have to find some humour in this awful condition. I often feel unsteady, and have to be very careful when carrying grandchildren. Haven't got to the tripping stage yet. P'raps that's to come!

Take care,Anne

Hi Laurie,
I haven’t been on this site in a while and then I read your post. I’m pretty sure I’ve had fibro for quite a long time but it decided it was time to take me down and that’s when I was diagnosed 3 yes ago. Your post really hits home. I’ve had Bala center problems for over 20 years but not like this. I’m quite a bit older than you I’m 62. We Wi ter out in Phoenix and I have a bike. Wasn’t having problem u til this year. When I stop and stand straddling my bike it’s a given that I will fall over. The 2nd time I fell I came home and told hub you to go on. I cried and cried. I’m so embarrassed. This 3rd time I was alone. I was researching Dr’s online to see if I should go in. My husband just says I’m not strong enough and need to exercise. I’m going to keep trying to ride my bike. I would think let’s this get the best of me
. Fibro has taken enough already.

Hi Laurie, at the beginning of this year I started having some balance issues. I have fallen a few times and trip easier than before. I have noticed this tends to happen more when I am tired so I pay extra attention and I hold on to things / walls as I can. I also started going to physical therapy this summer and it has helped with some of the balance stuff. I have been working on slowly improving core muscle tone which in turn helps with a lot of areas. Just something I've found that has helped. I also wear supportive shoes as much as possible and I don't ever wear heels. Hugs.

Hi Auburn - I used to really love heels and boots with heels. It's been a LONG time since I have worn them though. I wouldn't DARE now! (Smile) The next time I see my Doctor - she will be discussing with me the possibility of physical therapy for my balance problem as well. Always something going on! Laurie

Auburnm said:

Hi Laurie, at the beginning of this year I started having some balance issues. I have fallen a few times and trip easier than before. I have noticed this tends to happen more when I am tired so I pay extra attention and I hold on to things / walls as I can. I also started going to physical therapy this summer and it has helped with some of the balance stuff. I have been working on slowly improving core muscle tone which in turn helps with a lot of areas. Just something I've found that has helped. I also wear supportive shoes as much as possible and I don't ever wear heels. Hugs.

There are several different types of "traction cleats." Please take the time to look at them and wear them! Most brands are not expensive and when compared to the price of a broken hip or leg, they are pretty darn cheap. In the U.S., most shoe stores carry them. I just wanted to offer a different option for people that have to walk on snow or ice or have bad balance.

Click on the web address above for examples and purchases from Amazon.

Oh I know how you feel. I have fallen many times over the last few years. I even feel from a standing position once. I also drop and throw things without meaning to. I finally figured out that I am having muscle spasms in my feet and hands and Flexaril has helped a lot. Now I kind of do a little" dance" when I feel my self losing my balance. I just try to keep my legs under me. I am pretty sure it looks odd but I haven't hit the floor in a whole year now.

The whole exercise issue is a problem. I am sure that I am loosing muscle tone and strength over the years but any type of repetitive movement results in lots of pain. I try to find a balance (no pun intended) between avoiding pain and keeping my muscles in shape. I like to walk at Target with a cart for exercise. I can hold on and no one thinks that it is strange when I stop to rest, they just think I am looking at something.

Thanks for the advice Stephi! I am very familiar with Amazon as I am an avid reader and have ordered books from them for years. Will definitely look into your suggestion for the shoes you mentioned! Laurie

stephi1116 said:

There are several different types of "traction cleats." Please take the time to look at them and wear them! Most brands are not expensive and when compared to the price of a broken hip or leg, they are pretty darn cheap. In the U.S., most shoe stores carry them. I just wanted to offer a different option for people that have to walk on snow or ice or have bad balance.

Click on the web address above for examples and purchases from Amazon.