Falling with Fibromyalgia

Hi everyone! I've recently had a couple of falls outside and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this. When I spoke with my rheumatologist, she said that it's common for patients with fibromyalgia to lose their balance. The other night I tripped and had a nasty fall, scarring up my face and knees. What are your thoughts>

Just call me Grace! I'm sorry you had such a bad fall. You should be esp. careful if you're on meds. I've fallen a lot on the ice but even when there's no ice I tend to sway at times. The worst is when I don't see a step and think I'm on level ground.

If you believe in Earth Changes and all the anticipation of quakes and sliding plates, that is another thing many people are blaming their health problems on. The ER doc said he was seeing a lot more reports of balance problems.

I wasn't ever very graceful but I wasn't clumsy either. Now I find myself dropping things, having random spastic arm movements. I'm tripping more often. I just assumed it was a consequence of pain (not picking up my feet properly when I walked) and a side effect of a new med. I know nothing about the signs and symptoms of fibro so can't say anything there but have you started any new meds? maybe one is interacting with something else.. Sorry, my first response is always to check for new meds cuz doctors sometimes forget what they've prescribed to you in the past

Thanks Grace, it could be the combo of meds I'm taking. It just frustrates me so much.

Katha (Katherine Shade) said:

Just call me Grace! I'm sorry you had such a bad fall. You should be esp. careful if you're on meds. I've fallen a lot on the ice but even when there's no ice I tend to sway at times. The worst is when I don't see a step and think I'm on level ground.

If you believe in Earth Changes and all the anticipation of quakes and sliding plates, that is another thing many people are blaming their health problems on. The ER doc said he was seeing a lot more reports of balance problems.

I too drop things on occasion, but no more than I did before. But this falling thing is new.

melsmama said:

I wasn't ever very graceful but I wasn't clumsy either. Now I find myself dropping things, having random spastic arm movements. I'm tripping more often. I just assumed it was a consequence of pain (not picking up my feet properly when I walked) and a side effect of a new med. I know nothing about the signs and symptoms of fibro so can't say anything there but have you started any new meds? maybe one is interacting with something else.. Sorry, my first response is always to check for new meds cuz doctors sometimes forget what they've prescribed to you in the past

Hello there…I had the same problem. I was covered in bruises and visited the ER many times. I discovered it was caused by the meds for fibro - I believe it was one of the muscle relaxers. Please be careful and consider a two pronged cane until you find out what is going on. I also had a walker which I was too stubborn to use :slight_smile:

lol too stubborn to use.. sound like me with my stupid cane.. I'm apparently very vain and would rather risk being stranded and unable to walk than to make sure i bring my cane with me for the just in case times... My new GP just scolded me for that and told me I need to bring it always so that it's there when I need it.

Thanks, I was contemplating buying myself a cane to use whenever I go out...not too bad of an idea. Maybe it'll help me with my balance issues. I've also taken a muscle relaxant on occasion--it makes me very sleepy, so I don't take it when I have to go out. I'm still looking for a job, but I'm scared that if hired someplace, I'll just have to end up back home because I'm in too much pain or too fatigued to work. I'm also suffering with IBS again, the first time in years. It drives me nuts.

Yes this definitely holds true for me. I lose my balance all the time, and I've had a lot of problems with dropping and breaking tons of things. I haven't ever heard of anyone bringing this symptom of Fibromyalgia up. I thought that maybe the Fibromyalgia had done something to my hands that makes it harder for me to not break things. But, I think it must be something more than just my hands, since I'm realizing now that my balance is horrible. I feel like I've lost all spacial awareness as well. I bump into things quite frequently now.

I worked with an Aetna nurse (I found out they are available in my Aetna plan). The nurse is only available by phone but she helped me order the two pronged cane. It only cost me $2.00 working through Aetna. It provided more stability than a regular cane.

I remembered one of the meds I think was causing some of the balance issues - I think it was Plaquenil.

Spirit- I shared your fear of working and getting sick. When I found a job part time, I met a lady who has a seizure disorder and she was a great motivator for me. She had good and bad days, and helped me through my transition.
For the IBS, I use Omniprazole and it helps. I also discovered I had a gluten allergy. When I quit eating gluten my stomach got better…

Best wishes, SF

As a matter of fact, I am still recovering from a concussion, and Mrs. Pigpen (Robin) just had a bad fall too, so I'm sure it's common. I have to use a rollator walker due to balance, weakness and pain. I started using that in my late 30s. Wow, that sounds like a really nasty fall, I'm so sorry. I'm glad you didn't also hit your head, because repeated concussions cause another whole set of symptoms.

There's a really good illustrated book that we who have it call the Fibro Bible. It's by an M.D. with FM. "Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome" by Devin Starlanyl. You can even buy used copies at amazon.com and other online bookstores. It tells absolutely every suymptom, and has chapters about how to live different areas of your life with this, and even help if you eventually need to get disability, but lets hope they find an anti-viral soon for XMRV, the virus the found that many of us have, and lets hope you'll be one of the first to be cured.

Thanks for the info and your encouragement. I'll see if the local libraries have that book, or get it from amazon.com. I'm going for the cane in the meantime, plus lots of prayer.

All the best,


Sheila Wall said:

As a matter of fact, I am still recovering from a concussion, and Mrs. Pigpen (Robin) just had a bad fall too, so I'm sure it's common. I have to use a rollator walker due to balance, weakness and pain. I started using that in my late 30s. Wow, that sounds like a really nasty fall, I'm so sorry. I'm glad you didn't also hit your head, because repeated concussions cause another whole set of symptoms.

There's a really good illustrated book that we who have it call the Fibro Bible. It's by an M.D. with FM. "Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome" by Devin Starlanyl. You can even buy used copies at amazon.com and other online bookstores. It tells absolutely every suymptom, and has chapters about how to live different areas of your life with this, and even help if you eventually need to get disability, but lets hope they find an anti-viral soon for XMRV, the virus the found that many of us have, and lets hope you'll be one of the first to be cured.

i know i have almost fallen down my stairs there r right outside my bedroom door and i seem to keep losing my balance right there i know meds can b a problem but also if u have an inner ear infection that can cause balence issues and so can sinus infections so just a few more things to look at my mom is studing to b a nurse and has a great book about meds and side effects it tells u what side effects r most commen so if u want i can look up your meds and let u know hope u dont have any more falls

Tara, I think using a cane is wise. EVERYONE'S looks at me changed when I had a "visual aid" that showed I had a physical problem. I wished I had given in earlier and used it. No more fighting "well why are you parking there? why can't you do this and that like other people your age? She doesn't look that bad off" etc. etc. Prayer and faith are my coping tools too. I think a lot of us "find God" when we are suffering, because that's the only one who understands, and there are so many helpful scriptures to give you hope, and I can actually feel God's comfort and strength and help, as real as a human's help, but I still need the physical help here that I probably will never have.

If you see that book at the library, I bet you'll want to buy it because you'll want to look at it again and again for different problems.Thanks for the offer to look up meds, but I look them all up online. I also have my nursing degree. I'm just embarassed how much I have forgotten due to my illnesses.

spirit1 said:

Thanks for the info and your encouragement. I'll see if the local libraries have that book, or get it from amazon.com. I'm going for the cane in the meantime, plus lots of prayer.

All the best,


It's a relief to hear other people experiencing the same, although obviously not the concussions :-)

I'm falling over frequently, can't lift my feet properly due to the pain and just seem to be zoned out & lose balance!

I'm on plastic glasses only at home as I've broken to many glasses it's ridiculous. I'm not allowed to carry anything at home as everyone's waiting for me to drop things.

I bruise very easily, don't remember falling the night before and think some of it's down to fatigue too.

Meds are definitely a challenge though and cause some of this as with Lyrica for example they say you lose 10% of your "intelligence/awareness*.

I got this great cane which is combined with a small seat so that if I'm out I can sit down where-ever I need to - it's been a life saver for doing things like food shopping.

Having an invisible illness is very hard, but try and stay positive, do keep moving despite the challenges and let's all have faith a cure is found :-)

Wow, I really hope that there is a cure soon. I'm just getting adjusted to this sudden change in lifestyle. It's hard for me at times. Thanks for the advice. Well appreciated.

HappyAussie123 said:

It's a relief to hear other people experiencing the same, although obviously not the concussions :-)

I'm falling over frequently, can't lift my feet properly due to the pain and just seem to be zoned out & lose balance!

I'm on plastic glasses only at home as I've broken to many glasses it's ridiculous. I'm not allowed to carry anything at home as everyone's waiting for me to drop things.

I bruise very easily, don't remember falling the night before and think some of it's down to fatigue too.

Meds are definitely a challenge though and cause some of this as with Lyrica for example they say you lose 10% of your "intelligence/awareness*.

I got this great cane which is combined with a small seat so that if I'm out I can sit down where-ever I need to - it's been a life saver for doing things like food shopping.

Having an invisible illness is very hard, but try and stay positive, do keep moving despite the challenges and let's all have faith a cure is found :-)


yes , i fall down quite often. My family and friends are used to it and call me "webble wobble" i just smile and take it .

I am clumsier too, I drop things all the time. So see you arent alone in this fight!


thanks dee, I, too, have become more clumsy than I already was, and it's quite embarassing for me. All the best.

dee said:


yes , i fall down quite often. My family and friends are used to it and call me "webble wobble" i just smile and take it .

I am clumsier too, I drop things all the time. So see you arent alone in this fight!


I think poor balance is common among FM people. When I have a flareup, I have difficulty balancing myself even though I have great balance (I can walk on a balance beam!) when I don't have the flareup. I've fallen or bumped into something and injured myself so many times.

Not sure what I was thinking when I said 2 prong cane… It’s a 4 prong cane that keeps me from getting another concussion. Not even sure if there are 2 pronged canes. Ivebeen suffering with horrible fatigue and fog. Plus the pain is bad. Not sure how much longer I can do this 30 hr a week job with a 2 hour commute

The reference to lyrica and our state of awareness is true - I have had so many issues since starting that med! Thanks for the support and friendship on this site

Best of luck to everyone and good nite!