Types of fatigue – revisited 2022 (6 types added)
For the (A) tiredness part I use
- dozy, either in my sleep breaks or in stints in the day (mind awake, but need to sleep),
- drowsy, when both mind & body are tired,
- “wired-but-tired” / chatterbrain: body (& mind) dead tired, but something’s electrifying my mind (cortisol?)
- numb / zombified, in my head, due more to meds like amitriptyline and CBD (so stopped).
- itchy eyes sometimes are just fatigued dry eyes, sometimes also a sign of tiredness,
a feverishness-feeling all over, esp. arms (napping & better night sleep improves it).
For (B) the missing energy I have - quick exhaustibility (normal energy spurts of a few minutes, then brakes on)
- then outright exhaustion of the muscles,
- feebleness, weakness, dullness, in mind & body,
- nausea from moving,
lazy mode (not moving much) to prevent 7-10 happening = “potential” fatigue
( C) a deep ‘fatigued’ pain &/or stiffness (squealing due to “brakes on”) - the Big Ache, due to overdoing it (B7-9 all different to the sore muscles I used to get),
stiffness as a kind of muscular/tendon fatigue
plus (D) mentally (lack of mental energy) - brain fog/fibro fog as mental fatigue (wanting to, not heavy, but not able to think).
- inner fatigue, praps listless, lethargic (wanting, but inner heaviness),
- inner lack of motivation / drive without depressiveness (not wanting, without negative mood),
- depressiveness/depression (negative mood)
Since my MCAS-flare I’ve lost 6), at least after the 2nd jab. After the 1st I still sometimes had energy spurts, esp. in the evening, which actually might be more typical for MCAS/histamine/cortisol problems.