Update on doc appt

i saw the doctor the other day he said i have permanent nerve damage and some kind of auto immune problem with my joints that caused the fibromyalgia i see him again in 4 weeks he is referring me to a pain specialist for the chronic pain he is looking at lupus and rheumatoid arthritis as the culprits for the fibro and my 2 car wrecks and one work injury as the culprit for the disc degeneration and nerve damage still got a long road ahead to figure it all out

Hi River,

My Rheumatologist is on the same wave length, that fibro is CAUSED by chronic pain, so your Doc is looking for the root problem, until that is found Fibro just runs rampant. I don't want anyone to have autoimmune, but something has to make sense at some point. Can't get the proper treatment, until you get a solid diagnosis, and only 25% of the people who have autoimmune disease have it show on bloods, and then sometimes they have to be run over and over to show.

I'm hearing of more and more DDD out of our members, even some young ones.

The biologic Enbrel made a significant improvement in me. Of course it does not reverse damage, but it slows down further damage, and does help! Compared to how I was after my last car accident, I am in good shape, I can walk much better, for sure! The great thing about the biologics is that they can target where they are needed right down to the very cell, bypassing all of the systems of the body where most side effects happen.

Hey, I still have bad days, but I also have good days and a few really good days!

Chin up, you ARE making progress, I know it is not fast enough for you, but a careful Dr is a good Dr!

hi sk, yup my doc is good i see him in 3 weeks give or take and i cant wait to see what he has to tell me like with the fibro he had me read about what he was looking at so iwouldnt be shocked at the office im still waiting on a few answers but so far he is looking at the 2 car wrecks and one work injury and sources he thinks the other docs missed something when they examined me being my back was hyper extended all the way down and i had wiplash a few times im not doiing too bad today my hands r acting up and my elbows r sore but so far not as bad as the last few days