Upper Back Pain

Ok, new one for me. Every morning for the past two weeks or so I wake up feeling like I strained my upper back. The pain goes across my shoulder blades & up my neck - it is very painful to turn my head or drop my chin. A few hours after waking it seems to disappear.

Of course this is on top of all the other aches & pains, tight joints, etc....but it is VERY painful.

Anyone else experience this ???

Hi, Northernelf.

It could be just the Fibro flaring for any number of reasons including change in pillows or sleep position or it could be something entirely different not related to Fibro. It is difficult to speculate though. I wanted to be sure to suggest you let your doctor know since the symptoms are new and hopefully, he/she can help you sort it out soon.


Hello Northernelf,

Just completely agree with Laurie, more than likely a Fibro flare, but best be safe and get it checked out if it continues. In my experience I find I have real bad pain in a different area, get really worried, then it is gone. Doh! This Fibromis so tricky! Wish you well, and be sure to let us know how you get on.

Take care, Anne

I experience this regularly. I just do yoga stretches tailored for my back until the pain dissipates for the day… (Doesn’t always work)

Hello, Northernelf,

I agree with the others that it might be fibro. Or else it could be arthritis. (I get dull pain in those areas often enough from both.) Also, did you fall recently? That could be another possibilty. I really, really think you should see your doctor for this to rule out other things, like auto-immune illnesses, if you haven't yet been checked.

I hope you get some relief soon! Try Salon Pas pads. They are over the counter pain patches and they help me. They soothe the area down.

